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The Doctor grabs his coat as he all gives us orders. I run to a certain part by the console and grab my things.

"Alright! The Daleks are on the move! The Tardis has given me coordinates to their exact location. It appears as if that the Daleks have once again "taken" over the universe. Again. Well, at least not until we can save them" he says heroically. Jack and I both smile widely at him. That's the Doctor we know. He gives us a reassuring smile back and then opens the doors once the Tardis lands. The Doctor grabs my hand as Jack grabs Max's hand.

I think Im getting pretty good at this running stuff. Maybe I should take my time while breathing. We take the first few steps out of the Tardis. Yaknow, maybe im not ready for the whole running thing. But im all for it. If the cost is me dying to save humanity then Im ready to run.

Jack starts talking "Have the Daleks taken over the Prime ministry?" he is panting from behind us as he dodge oncoming cars in the main town of London. The Doctor keeps a firm grip on my hand and Im loving it even though I might not be able to breathe from my lack of exercise and my weight might be in the way.

"They haven't yet but they're on their way to doing that now!" he says we he round a corner. How long have we even been running?

We come to an abrupt stop and we are all panting. Including the Doc. All of our eyes widen as we see two Daleks coming straight for us.


"Run!" The Doctor screams at us. We all run into the busy streets of London. The sound of the screaming Daleks behind us fades off.

"You would think that almost of London would be able to hear them!" I say to the Doctor as he holds onto my hand. He stops running and freezes. He hesitates before looking at down at me.

"Youre right.." he pulls out his sonic and scans everything around us putting it softly against his ear. I walk over to Jack as he pulls me into a hug. I relax into it slightly fearing but also in a strong way. He softly rubs my hair kissing the top of my head telling me that it will all be okay. I nod my head as the Doctor calls me over to help him.

I walk sort of in a fast pace and crouch next to him. He points at the ground and tells me to examine the markings.

"Do you see those markings?" he says. Why no. No i do not. I don't see the burn marks RIGHT IN MY FACE DOC

"No I don't" I say with obvious sarcasm. If he doesn't pick that up I'm so done.

He gives me that look that explains everything. "Okay, I will stop" i say laughing. He tries to hide his smile but i nudge his shoulder playfully as he tells me to focus again.

I turn my attention to the burn marks on the ground realizing that all four look like a sort of landing space. I tell him that and he nods his head. He begins talking to himself sort of leaving me clueless. I slowly turn around and look at Max and Jack as they are conversing. Im interrupted by the Doctor almost pushing me over.

"What was that for?" I ask in a sort of whine. "You weren't paying attention that's what happened."

I sit on the ground completely before looking into  my satchel. I pull out a few devices the Doctor taught me how to use and then I scan the area.

"Well looks like the Daleks are gone by the looks of it. The radar says its all clear." I say with a know it all tone.

The Doctor stands up and pats me on the back "Good goin' sport" he says before pulling his sonic out scanning everything again. My radar starts making a static noise and the screen goes out for a split second. It repeats the same thing when it brings up a broadcast thing on the hologram messenger.

"Attention companion of the Doctor. We are coming for you." I gasp as  the message reveals the clear visualization of the thing speaking.

"Can it be?" Jack asks.

"It can't be.." i saw in utter awe and shock

"It is.." the Doctor says in a tone that is eerie.

"The Cybermen and the Daleks are going to be at war"

How I met Captain Jack HarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz