I Have to Title This

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I take no credit for this nonsense whatsoever and give full responsibility to ScaryScarecrows.

1) You must post all the rules.

2) You must tag 15 people. (I don't even have this many friends)

3) You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4) You must answer 13 questions given to you.

5) You must create 13 questions for those you tag.

6) You cannot say "I don't do tags" (Don't tell me how to live my life)

7) You must finish within a week or the creator has full rights to remind you. (Eheheh  I feel so powerful)

8) Be creative about the title.

13 Facts About Me

1) I am a female with the INTJ Meyers-Briggs personality type, and yes, I do enjoy world domination.

2) I hate anything to do with yogurt, raisins, caviar, and eggs. Do not even put them in my presence.

3) I am allergic to literally everything. I get awful eczema and have to get allergy treatment. When they tested me I scored positive for 60 out of 70 substances.

4) I really dislike dogs. Don't ask questions.

5) I actually do have less than 15 friends, in fact, I only have 2.

6) I have a female cat named Steve. She is the ruler of the household and very fluffy.

7) I have a weird fascination with serial killers and horrific murders.

8) I love the heat and utterly despise the cold. Cold weather is of the devil.

9) I am a makeup artsist.

10) I have imaginary conversations with myself and fictional people all day long. If 1984 By George Orwell had come true, I would probably be in a mental institution.

11) I really love Batman. Like really love. Really... Love...

12) I hate Reggae but kinda like Ska. I don't even know...

13) Last fact! I love going around to antique stores and digging through their comic stashes to find old comics.

13 Questions

1) I collect comic books and Batman memorabilia.

2) I am not an only child, I have younger twin brothers. And no, I never wanted to be an only child. Growing up with brothers is one of my greatest and most beloved experiences.

3) I think if I were in a Stephen King novel I would survive for most of the book and then die because due to getting too close to solving the problem.

4) My favorite toy as a child was a good book. I was reading 100 page books by the time I was 4 and that's all I ever did.

5) If I won the lottery I would update my makeup kit, become a professional college student, buy a library, and invest whatever was left over.

6) I identify most with my character Jamie. She has a lot of the same issues as I and I definitely wrote myself into that one.

7) Some fairies wear boots, some don't. Obviously.

8) Considering I was the only senior in my high school and that the entire high school consisted of 9 people? Yeah, I'll go to reunions. We have epic D&D plans.

9) An axe or a bat. Definitely be my apocalyptic weapon.

10) Why must you of all people ask about irrational phobias? Elevators, the ocean, airplanes, drowning, heights, falling, basically any situation where I feel a lack of control. Those are the big ones.

11) The strangest thing I own... My great-grandmother gave me a plastic Porky the Pig squeaky toy from the 30's. It's pretty freaky. I also have several antique porcelain dolls in my closet that I wonder about. I hate dolls.

12) Literally every time Sam or Dean Winchester dies I cry. Every time. They always come back though. Fred Weasley, Severus Snape, Jerome Valeska, Jean Valjean, Bobbie Singer, Ellen Jo and Ash, Gabriel, every supernatural character that has EVER died (there's just so many), I woild say Loki but he is totslly alive, and an abundance of others that I can't name at the moment.

13) Batman. Superman can stick it.

My Questions to You

1) Favorite book/series of all time.

2) Would you survive the zombie apocolypse?

3) What is your MBTI type?

4) One quote/saying that completely sums up your life.

5) Character you created that you most identify with.

6) What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

7) Fandom character you most identify with.

8) What do you think is the most terrifying way to die?

9) Most exotic food you've eaten.

10) Weirdest/creepiest experience you've had involving another person.

11) Your OTP.

12) Favorite superhero and villain

13) Best prank you've ever pulled.

I'm tagging you. Deal with it.

















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