Chapter 26

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••Five months later••

°•°Lauren's POV°•°

I pulled a fluffy pillow over my head to cover my ears as I attempted to take a small nap in my trailer at the set. All of the noises coming from filming filled my ears, making me groan. Steven had insisted on me resting for the baby when I wasn't called to film certain scenes.

Of course, when I finally was beginning to fall asleep, the door to my trailer on set opened, and someone came walking in.

I kept my eyes closed until I felt someone's hand gently touch my face, causing me to open my eyes to see Steven. He was crouched down in front of my face with his costume from filming still on.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"It's three in the afternoon," he replied in a whisper. "We gotta go."

I gave a small nod, and Steven started to get up before I grabbed onto his arm. "Wait." He looked down at me, kneeling down so we were eye level again. "C'mere." I reached my arm out and slowly pulled Steven's lips down onto mine. "I love you," I mumbled against his soft lips.

"I love you more, Laur." He kissed me once more, and took my hand to help me up.

Hand in hand, we walked out of my trailer and over to the parking lot where my car was parked.

As I was about to get in the driver's seat, I heard Norman yell out from across the lot, "Be careful driving pregnant lady!" In response, I stuck my tongue out at him and went to grab the door handle on the car door.

Suddenly, I felt a tight cramping in my stomach, making me groan out in pain. One hand quickly went to my stomach while the other gripped onto the car to keep myself standing.

"What's wrong?" Steven asked.

"N-nothing," I stuttered out while still holding onto my stomach. "Can you maybe drive?" My teeth were tightly clenched as I spoke.

Steven came around the side of the car, placing one hand on my back and the other on my stomach. "You okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay," I insisted, knowing that if I said I wasn't Steven would go crazy with worry. He hesitantly nodded, and got into the driver's seat of the car.


As we began our drive towards Emmie and Sammy's school, the pain in my stomach started to let up.

Finally, we pulled up into the school, and Steven rolled down the window before calling out, "Emmie, Sammy, come on!" The two turned their heads and came rushing over to jump in the car.

"Hi, mom! Hi, Stevey!" Sammy said while getting into his seat.

"What's up, little man?" Steven replied, ruffling Sammy's hair.

"Can we go to the playground before we go home?" Emmie asked as she sat back in the back seat.

I let out a sigh, and said, "Not today, Em." I stole a glance back at Emmie to see her let out a sigh as well.

"Your mom isn't feeling very good today, Em." Steven began driving as he spoke. "Maybe we can tomorrow?"

Putting on a fake smile, I looked back at Emmie and said, "Yeah, we will tomorrow."


Right when we got home I felt the pain in my stomach once again, causing me to stumble.

Steven must've noticed, for her said, "Emmie, watch your brother for a bit. I need to help your mom with something." Emmie nodded in a reply, and Steven came over to help me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"What's going on?" He asked once we were both seated on the bed.

"I-I don't know. When we were getting in the car earlier I felt this pain in my stomach, and now I'm starting to get worried," I answered, looking up at Steven.

"Could it just be contractions?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, the doctor said it's too early for me to start having contractions."

"It could be stress," Steven continued on. "What's been stressing you out lately?"

I thought for a moment, trying to gather all my thoughts together. "A lot of things.....the show, making sure the kids are all okay, Emmie still wanting to meet her birth parents, the baby....." My sentence soon trailed off into nothing.

Steven reached out and took my hands in his. "Well first of all, you said Emmie hasn't brought up meeting her birth parents in a few weeks, so she's probably forgotten about it for the time being. As long as she doesn't bring it up, don't stress about that."

Then, a thought came to my mind. "Steven.....what if I'm losing the baby?"

I felt tears starting to slowly form in my eyes, and Steven quickly replied, "No, Lauren. Don't even think about that."

"But what if I am, Steven?" I continued on. "We don't even know if it's a boy or girl because we wanted to wait until it's born, and we don't even know if it's your baby. What if we never get to know?" That was when the tears began to fall.

Steven took my face in his hands so that I was looking at him. "Lauren, listen to me. This baby is going to be born, and we will get to know, okay? I promise." He then pulled me to him so that my arms were locked tightly around his neck.

"I promise."

Chapter question: I've been really wanted to start a Glenn Rhee/OC story for quite some time, so would you all read it if I were to start one??? Glaggie and Stauren are my OTPs now and forever, but I just kinda want to try something different. If you want, you could even imagine the OC as Maggie! So would you guys read it if I wrote one??

Please answer the chapter question guys!! I asked it in my "Divorced Love" story, and  like nobody answered it. So please please answer it! :)

I promise there will be a chapter shoutout in the next chapter to someone who answers the chapter question!!

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