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"Come on, go get dressed." Michael said simply walking into my room full of boxes.

"Ugh I'm not getting up unless it's for food or a party." i mumbled with my head in my pillow on my bed.

"Well isnt it your lucky day!"

"We're getting something to eat?!?" I asked excitedly.

"No. We're going to a party." he said looking at me.

"Oh, yay! Ooo i have the perfect outfit for a party!" I moved around my room excitedly trying to find the outfit. "but wait."

"What? What's wrong?" Mikey asked turning around from on his way of walking out of my room.

"I don't know anybody yet! And what about dad? Is he gonna turn all fatherly?" I questioned not knowing anything.

"Well first I'll be with you through the whole party and introduce you to people and second dad does not do 'fatherly' anything. And for your question no he will not question where we are becaus well he's not here and he doesn't need to know we went out he doesn't care enough to be a dad then I won't care enough to tell him where and I am and what I am doing." Michael finished with a huff.

"Okay then we don't care about him." I said heading to a box.

"If you hurry we can go get something to eat before the party!" Michael yelled from him room down the hall.

"Yes! Food and a party!" I said excitedly changing quickly then heading to my connected bathroom to do my hair and make-up.


15 minutes.

We've been here for 15 fucking minutes and my brother already left me. 'I'll take you to meet people' my ass.

Heading toward the kitchen to see get a drink because God knows I'll need one to get through tonight. I don't know a soul here, so what the hell and I supposed to do.

"Hey beautiful, what would you like to drink." The guy at the drink stand asked me.

"I can get a drink my self thanks." I said putting my bitchy face on.

"Oh wow okay you don't have to be a bitch about it." He scoffed.

"Bitch? That was nothing if you really want me to be a bitch then keep acting like the dumb ass you're being right now." I said turning around.

"Damn are you on your period or something?" He said taking a sip of his drink.

"Oh, you want to see something bloody, how about you look in a mirror when I'm done with you." I said punching him. "Now listen here fuck face just becuase a girl does or says something you don't like DOESN'T mean she's on her fucking period." I said gong to slap him when an arm circled around my waist and pulled me away from the arrogant asshole and into a hallway.

"Let me go!" I yelled to the person with the strong hold on me.

"Shh it's okay, love, shh you're making a scene." A deep Australian voice whispered in my ear.

"Who the hell are you and why did you stop me from beating that asshat up?" I angrly asked him turning around and out of his grasp.

"I've never seen you around before and I didn't want you to ruin your reputation before people really got to know you because of a.. how did you put it?" The blonde stanger said smiling. "Oh, asshat."

"I'm not gonna sleep with you." I told him matter-of-factly.

"I know." He said tilting his head to the side a little bit and smiling at me.

"Thank you from wasting my time on that nobody..." I said asking his name without really asking.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings."

"Oh well then thank you Luke." I said with a tight smile, not 100% trusting the guy. "I'm Rachel by the way."

"Well it's nice to meet you Rachel, here's my number just incase I need to save you from any worthless assholes." He smiled writing his name and number on a napkin.

"I don't need you to save me. I can take care of myself." I told him grabbing the napkin and crossing my arms.

"I'll see you on Monday at school Rachel!" Luke yelled.

"Oh and how do you know that?" I yelled back.

"I just do." He yelled again walking into the backyard and that was the last I saw of Luke Hemmings...at least for the night

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