3 - Confessions of the Not So New Girl

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I was actually on time for once. I had gotten up earlier than usual that morning and took my time getting ready that morning. I wore a pair of black jeans and a plain white cropped top to show off my toned stomach. I pulled a black leather jacket on and added a dark grey scarf. I laced up my combat boots and grabbed my backpack. Coffee time. I rolled the windows down in my mustang, my hair flying in the breeze since I had decided to wear it down for once. My aviators rested on my nose as I enjoyed the weather. It was October, not too hot but not too cold.

The music blasted through my speakers as I pulled into the school parking lot, quickly finding the closest spot which just happened to be right next to a certain black BMW. Great. So I had forgotten to rescue my cat. No big deal, she was safe but I fell asleep before Austen's mom got home.

As I walked into school it seemed that everyone was buzzing about how there was a new student, something that rarely ever happened at our school. I approached Ryan at his locker, a smile beaming on my face.

"Morning sunshine. You don't look dead today, I see." He looked me up and down taking in my appearance. "I approve."

I ignored his remark as we walked to our first period class. When we entered the room the first thing I noticed was the blonde sitting in my assigned seat. She had platinum blonde hair that had a bright purple ombré at the ends. A decorative septum ring rested above her berry colored lips. She wore a bright pink skirt with laced combat boots that went above her knee and a plain black tshirt. I approached her, noticing her fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Hi, I don't mean to be rude but you're in my assigned seat." I smiled.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up quickly. "I'm so sorry!"

"No, don't be! You must be new, I'm Ryland and this is Ryan." I sat down in my seat, Ryan sitting next to me and pointing to the empty spot behind him.

"I'm Kai." She sat down in the chair.

"So where are you from?" Ryan leaned towards her, his chin resting on his hand.

"Los Angeles. We decided to get out of the city."

"Welcome to Hell." He dramatically flipped his hair.

We met up with Kai outside of the cafeteria before lunch began. She waved excitingly at us as we approached. "Hey you guys!"

"How are your classes going so far?" I inquired.

"Surprisingly really well. There are so many hot guys here."

"Ugh, girl tell me about it." Ryan began to fan himself as he sighed dreamily.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Ryland?" Her question caught me off guard slightly.

I shook my head no and Ryan answered for me before I could respond. "No that girl swears she doesn't have time for dating."

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