The first day of school-Henry's pov

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Today I'll go to school with my girlfriend Bianca. Ah she is so beautiful. I said to Charlotte(my best friend) that I don't go with her anymore, and she said that it is ok that happend like the last month and I thing that she is mad at me because she doesn't even talk to me after that. So I go out of my school and I see Charlotte with Dustin Newmann, I hate him,he have a crush on Charlotte since the first grade. I feel weird, I see Bianca walk to my direction and I take her hand and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I blush a little. We arrive at school and the bell ring. I hate it, because I have to leave my beautiful girlfriend and my best friends, or actually my ex-best friend. Since me and Bianca start to hang out they seems weird around me. In the first period I have Science, and Bianca have History  :( . I enter in the class and what did I see, Charlotte, she was looking out the window that was next to her. She looks so beautiful, her curly short dark brown hair  are perfect on her and her beautiful brown bright eyes, these beautiful eyes make me feel better, I don't know why, but everytime that I see this eyes I lose my mind. I return in my self and I take the seat that's next to Charlotte but when I seat down, she stand up and take another seat. Yep, now I'm sure, she is mad at me, but I don't know what I did to her, I mean if it is only because I don't go with her to school she'll say to me but it isn't all it, there is something that maybe I don't remember?! Nope. 

*the lesson finish*

I go to Jasper's locker and when he see me he left and go to his next lesson. WHAT DID I DO? No this time NO! I run to Jasper and I take his arm and he said:

-"What are you doing?"- he said with an angry tone

-"Are you mad at me?"- 

-"Are you kidding me?! Oblivius YES! After what you did"-

-"What did I do?!"-

-"Oh you don't know?! What is in the first place for you Henry the friends or your girlfriend?!"- I don't say anything.

-"Both of them"-

-"Are you sure? Because two weeks ago there was a particular day in a particulary place,and you PROMISED that you were going here not matter what. And what happend, you don't come, me and Charlotte were scared, we thing that something was happend to you, and then we saw on Instagram a photo of you and Bianca's kiss! That's why we are mad at you!"- he was turning but I stop him

-"Jasper, what event was that?"-

-"Charlotte's birthday, congratulations Henry, you have your beautiful girlfriend and your fakes promises, oh and you have kost your best friends,congrats"- he said angry.

I'm a jerk! 

-"Oh and Henry"- he said 

-"Say thank you to your girlfriend from me and Char"- he said ironically,I can't help and I yell


-"Exactly that!"- he said with a tear in his eyes that came down slowly. What did I just said?! I see Jasper's sad face that was looking at me for a moment, looking behind me. There she was. There was Charlotte behind me, with tears in her eyes. Her tears were more than Jasper's.

-"Cha"-she cut me off

-"Thanks, for make me realize that you're not my best friend anymore, that you are not my friend*sigh*that you WEREN'T MY BEST FRIEND!"- she yell at the end

-"So be happy with your BEAUTIFUL BIANCA, your BEAUTIFUL AND POPULAR LIFE!We don't need it!"- she said half yelling it, and then she run with tears that were going down her beautiful eyes on her beautiful cheecks. Jasper give me a dirty and a dissapointed look, that make me feel worst. I can feel my tears, there were cold, on my warm cheeks, and I can't stop they, I see the popular group (Bianca's group) with a smile on their face, and the other students were upset, but they didn't say anything, but I do


-"Uhm?"-she said

-"We're done!"- I said with an angry face, it was all her fault, or exactly her and mine fault, i have to   recapture my friends.

So here the first chapter, i hope you'll like it at 15 likes I will post the next, and please left your opinions❤️

More than that...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora