Chapter 3

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For this chapter you’ll kind of have to forget about the whole Madison thing with Harry and, well, just imagine that Chaz and Harry are real or something :’) Also that the girlfriends of each member are the ones I mention here. Just a warning :)




Harry’s just stepped out of the taxi and before he’s even had the chance to thank the diver, I’ve wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He staggers backwards a little, but he’s laughing, and hugs me back.

This is the first time we’ve seen each other in nearly two weeks. Harry has been away in London with the rest of One Direction to promote their album, which will be out ‘soon’. I’d been waiting in Harry’s front garden for almost an hour – his family were all out and would only return in a few hours’ time, but I didn’t want Harry coming home to an empty house.

“How was London?” I ask him as we walk up the drive, Harry dragging a bulging suitcase and carrying a gym bag over his shoulder (he had refused to let me carry anything for him).

“Great! I suppose you saw us on the TV?” he grins knowingly.

“Of course,” I smile, unlocking Harry’s front door with his house key and holding the door open for him.

“Tea?” I ask once Harry’s bags have been thrown carelessly into the hall.

“Please,” he answers, “But first-” Harry grabs me by the hand and spins me around before crashing his lips onto mine. From some other angle I supposed it looked sort of romantic or something, but to me all I saw was blurs. Though I’m not complaining.

“Been waiting to do that for ages,” he grins again when we separate, blushing a little. I blush too, giggling, and hurry into the kitchen. I hear Harry in the living room flick the television on.

“How’s college?” he asks once I’ve handed him his mug of tea and settled myself on the couch beside him.

“Boring, as always,” I shrug. Adopting a mock overly-cheery voice I question, “How’s your job?”

Harry laughs, “Pretty dull, you know, TV shows in the morning, meeting our fans, dinner at Nandos, more fans and TV shows…” he grins at me and I crack up laughing. “No, no,” he continues seriously, “it’s great. We actually had a meeting yesterday about our next video.”

I almost choke on my tea. “Next video?” I’ve only just got over the drama of their first!

The boys filmed their first music video in LA (which was amazing for them!), so it was hard enough for me that Harry was so far away, but then it got a whole lot worse when the rumours began.

Despite Harry having me, rumours were still flying around saying that there was something going on between the boys and the models in their video. Luckily for me, the rumours were mainly about Harry (which makes NO sense!).

He dismissed any rumours quickly and insisted there was no way he’d cheat on me. Though I believe and trust him completely, there was always a tiny amount of worry lurking around my brain to annoy me at random times.

“Yeah,” Harry continues oblivious to my panic-stricken expression, “We’re trying to time it with the release of the album, which is December, so there’s not much time to waste! We’re starting rehearsals in October, filming in November.”

“December? Wow, sounds like a hectic month for you guys, then! Album, video, tour…”

“Just means we’ll get plenty of time to relax at the beginning of 2012,” he grins.

I smile back and together we sit and watch recorded episodes of Family Guy that he so dearly missed. After a few minutes I pluck up some courage and ask a crucial question.

“So,” I say causally, “Any ideas on the video yet?”

Harry pauses the television (leaving Peter Griffin in the middle of dancing to Surfin’ Bird) to answer me, “Uh, yeah! The director for this video liked the last one, but wants to change the location and make it fit the song better, or something,” he shrugs.

“Right…so in what way will it be similar to the last one?”

Please don’t say models. Please don’t say models. Say that…you’re all going to go swimming, like in the last video…

“Well the guys in charge liked the idea of us singing to the girls, but they also want some dancers in this one.”

Models and dancers. Great.

“Oh, cool,” I say with a fake smile. I look back towards the television and wait for Harry to let the show resume.

“Chaz…” I hear him whisper. I feel his finger under my chin and he turns and tilts my head so that our lips are practically touching. “There’s no need to worry,” he laughs quietly, “I love you, and only you.” He kisses me softly.

“I love you too,” I tell him, gazing into those gorgeous eyes of his as if I’m using telepathy to tell him that I would never ever doubt him.

He smiles, “Good,” and then kisses me a final time. I snuggle closer to him and together we continue to watch the television in blissful silence until Harry’s family return home.

I’m barely paying attention to the screen, though. Instead I’m trying to push every single one of those negative thoughts OUT of my head! I don’t need to think like this – everything’s going to be FINE! I remember panicking last year when I thought that Louis, Zayn, Niall and Liam would be stealing Harry from me, but I realised I was only overreacting! It’s the same now. I need to stop thinking.

It’s not even December yet and I can’t wait for it to be over.

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