Save Me

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My eyes slowly open and I find myself in a unfamiliar room. The bed is squishy so its either a waterbed or bunk bed that's up against the wall. The sheets are black and silver and they kind of smell a little bit like weed but ehh i don't mind. I look around some more to find 4 black masks hung up on the wall with different designs on them. I get up and look for my stuff. Right near the door perfect. Well whoever's room I'm in at least they didn't rape me. As quick as I possibly could I bolt to the door and grab my bag. So much for being quiet but who cares?!  Suddenly the door swings open and it hits my face. 

"Hey where'd she go? She was on the bed knocked out", an unfamiliar voice asks then steps in.

"Oww my face critical hit to the face", I say with pain.

"Oh sorry bout that", the voice says apologetically.

I look at his round face and black curly hair. He has a bunch of tattoos on his arms but the one that struck out to me the most is the LA one on his right arm. He's wearing all black and a hat with the letters LA on them.

"Hmm who are you Kurly?"

"Kurly? Oh good one! It's cuz of the hair right", he asks laughing.

I nod my head slowly.

"So tell me lady, what's your name?"

"I-I don't have one!"

"Matt can't you see you're making her uncomfortable dick head", another voice says pushing him out of the way.

"Hi I'm Charlie or Charles". 

He is wearing a black and white bandanna and sunglasses to hide his face. The hat he's wearing has the word Vans on it and a black hood is over his head.

"No don't listen to him. His name is Jordan", Matt says while smirking.

"You dick I told you not to call me that!"

So Matt and Jordan err Charlie. I watch these two play fight each other. I guess they forgot I was in the room or something. They would make the cutest brothers though. 

"So which one of you guys saved me? Is it just you two here", I asked curiously. 

They stop play fighting and look at me. 

"Oh there's more of us here", Charlie says while getting up

"We'll give you the grand tour!" 

They both grab my arms and drag me out of the room and into the rest of their house. 

"George hey George", Matt calls out.

A door swings open and a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes comes out yawning.

"What do you two monkeys want. I was napping then you guys come screeching?"

"Well our guest is up and about we want you to meet her dumbass", Matt says while laughing 

"Did you wake her", George asks annoyed.

"No no of course not", Charlie says offended. 

"Well how you feeling kid", George asks.


I don't really know what to say at this point other than I have the queen of headaches plus I've never been around so many guys before. 

"My head kinda hurts", I finally say.

"Oh sorry to hear that but I'm George but these knuckleheads also call me Johnny."

"You love us for it", Matt says while messing up his hair.

"Dammit Matt", George exclaims then grabs Matt. 

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