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At the end of the day we rode the bus together getting off at his house. It was a two story house but didn't look that big.

We went up to his room and got out our things. "So what do you want our story to be about?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was hoping you would just do it yourself. ".

Wow what do I say now? I want him to like me. Would bribing him be wrong?

"well after school Monday, if you come with me then I will do this project." I hoped he said yes and if this hole thing was a trick we could just go for a walk as a date.

"Um okay" I was so happy!!! "so what will we be doing together on Monday?"

I panicked a bit because I didn't know what to say. "It's a surprise" I hoped he would buy that and he did because he nodded. "What you want to do today?"

"Well you could go home" I was upset with that comment "you should work on our story. "

He can't be serious but I have to act cool. "Okay?"

He opened the door and we exchanged byeS

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