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I live in blood-soaked glory.
Hey, it's weird but that's my story.
A mix of sweet and gory,
Go throw me in whatever category!
Just because you don't understand.
Every time I truly speak,
You think I'm a freak.
Cause I something more than, "I can't even"
When you actually got me going...
And when my brain is slowing,
When I go back to,
"look at me!"
"Girl, your pretty!"
Instead of being witty.
And now you think I'm normal.
You know you do it.
I know know I do it,
Doesn't mean I agree.
I'm hoping to make up for a million dumb phrases
With some deep thoughts
And how I ought...
To stop.
Why is it cool to be a college flop?
This is my chance
For you to know,
I'm more than just another girl who twirls her hair,
Pops bubblegum,
Plays dumb.
I got a life outside my hair.
Despite what you think I actually care!
Sometimes the my desire to fit in makes me unbearable even to
Actually the rest of the world probably thinks it's fine.
I finally fit in their shelf.
Made for girls who only can feel good in beautiful clothes.
Girls who can only be whole with a cute boyfriend.
And their souls?
They're ripped away.
I wanna say I do this.
But I wanna say know that,
Put me where you want when you read this
Make me your dis,
Tell me,
"Your an outsider, kid!"
Not meant to fit in.
If only being excepted by my clothes,
If receiving a certificate that says they finally found my heart
Depends on the number of guys that talk to me.
Then screw your perfect society!
Yes I want your hair,
I want your squad,
I want your boyfriend.
But not at the price of my soul.
Not when
Not when I have to become
Someone I'm not.
Blood-soaked glory
It's an adjective.
Means my achievements came at a price.
Means I could never do my life the same twice.
I've never heard a kid in my life refer to themselves using that adjective.
Maybe that's why I live.
I feel that even though when my hair is messy
I must fix it.
Tho I say,
Who else says "My life is a mix of sweet and gory?"
No one can make my story!
And if it takes you more than a second to throw me in your stupid category!
I've done my job.

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