chapter 5

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Bob left to go to town with his parents to try to go catch up with the clone. We were near him we could tell because their was building's part's everywhere. So we just followed the parts and as you will know we found him in a abandoned house. Bob walked in and then Bob 2.0 turned and a big army of Bob clone's Bob 2.0 stoke out his finger and they all ran to my mom and trying to take her or something. Bob's dad said let's go but mom I'll get her Bob just run go get help I'll be fine GO! Bob ran and ran to the army camp I and said fill water gun's with coffee
Go Go Go. They got their and shot all clone but it was to late Bob 2.0 killed Bob's Mom Bob yelled nooooooooooo! And shot Bob 2.0 and it was over that is how she died THE END OR IS IT mwhahahaha!!!!!!!!

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