Let's Race

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"Cmon dad!" Hollered Rainbow Dash. "Let's race!!!"
"Let's go!!!" He replies. They fly out the door of their home in Cloudsdale and race through the skies, doing tricks as they fly side by side through rings of cloud. Rainbow enjoys the quality time with her dad since her mom is always off with the other trick flyers doing her thing.
"Too slow old man," says Rainbow taunting her father.
"I'll show you slow," he replies as he speeds past her.
"Wait up!" She yells and zooms to catch up to him. They fly home and eat some lunch. After lunch, he takes Rainbow to her first Wonderbolt's Show. They watch from the highest seats since he is one of their trainers. Rainbow has the time of her life. "Someday," she says in a whisper, "I'll be a Wonderbolt too. I vow my life to that."

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