CHAPTER 1 - Goodbye, Home

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First Person Perspective

I glance out the window again for the 10th time now, then glanced at my phone to check the time. 

Why did this happen? This wasn't supposed to happen. Although I should be thrilled that I'm finally going to be living in a city, it's not if it means I'm going alone. On top of that, I'm going to be living with my uncle. I never even met him before, which means I'm going to be living with a stranger who runs in the same blood as me. Other than him, I don't even know anyone else there. And even though it doesn't show through my expressionless mask, I'm actually panicking. Well... on the inside. 

Sighing, I decide to read over the letters my hometown friends wrote for me before I had stepped foot onto this train. All my life, the same things. The same old boring things. I'm finally going to see something new... new people, a new place, new names, new things, new- well... everything! And yet, I can't seem to find any excitement. This had been my dream... so why? 

I sighed yet again. 

"Little girl, that's the 4th time you read those..." The woman beside me grunted. As if I didn't know that already!

"I'm 15" I say, like my age would prove I'm older than she thought I was. 

She grunted again, muttering something else under her breath that I couldn't hear. I went back to the letters in my hands, smiling (internally). It was from my best friend. I wonder how he's doing...? I knew it... We should've ate the last dinner together before I left. Most of the time, he would invite me over for dinner, but not that week when he found out I had to leave the country. 

"Are you going to leave home with such a face?" he had asked me before I left. What kind of face did he mean? Did I look bad? Sad? Or did he mean how expressionless I was?


I gulp at the sight before me. I've never seen so many people at a train station before. They were all practically sliding against each other, trying to get through to their destination. It was such a large crowd and here I am, standing in the middle of it. I hear soft music, which I didn't even recognize was my phone until the noise level in this room seemed to have lowered down.

Still dazed, I pulled my phone out of my pocket before picking up, "Hello?"

"Hello? [Y/N]? Don't tell me you're already there!" I could barely pick up what he was saying.

"Yeah, I just arrived." My eyes search for somewhere where it might be quiet, but there were too many people. The volume started to rise and all I could hear through the phone was strange, muffling robotic noises.

"What?" I shout, pushing through people as I try to concentrate on my right ear where the screen was pressed against. 

"-so sorry! Can you get to the house by yourself?" Is all I could manage to make out.

"I-I can't really hear!" I shout, struggling to walk with strong bodies squeezing me in a tiny space. They push me along with them. "I can't even breathe!" I gasp. When I don't hear anything- not even the slightest of the static noise, I look at my phone to see that the call was ended. Did he hang up on me? I should call again-

Before I could call him again, a strong force pushes me from my back and I find myself falling forward. The ground inches closer with every passing second. 

I'm falling, I'm falling! I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain when a strong grip pulls me up by my upper arm. 

"Are... are you okay?" A male voice stammers. I look up, meeting his dark brown eyes. His short black bangs drift to his forehead from a slight breeze, creating a magical touch. I don't think I've ever met someone so beautiful in my life. Are all the people in the city this pretty?

"Yes. Thank you." I pull my arm away from him as I straighten myself up. Why did I bring so many bags? I should've stuffed all my things in one or two bags instead. If that was possible.

"Hey." I was surprised he was still standing there. As if he read my mind, he gestures at my bags, "Don't you have too much baggage?" Before I could answer, he questions me more, "Where are you going? Isn't that too heavy for a girl all by herself? I can help you."

Gosh, he sounds creepy. Is he a pedophile? Thief? What could he possibly want from me? 

Unsure of what to say, I eyed him suspiciously, "What?"

He must've misunderstood me because he laughs nervously, "You don't need to be so polite!" Smiling almost too widely (And creepily), he asks again, "Where are you going?" His tone almost sounded haunting. 

"Ah..." I looked away. He's really pretty, but his charms aren't going to work on me! I won't be tricked by something so simple.

"Oh, don't worry. I have time on my hands."

I chew on my bottom lip, refusing to meet his beautiful face. I know what he's planning. He's trying to trick me with that face and gentle voice huh? I'm not that stupid! Should I kick him? Scream? Run away? What's the best option? 

"N-No..." I blurt out, tightening my grip on the handles of my bags.

"Hm?" He leans in closer, which makes me lean back.

"No thanks!" I shout in his face before dashing off. A part of me hopes my saliva reached his eyes so it'll give me time to run. With no destination in mind, I run aimlessly, passing by buildings and houses and cars. Will he come after me? Oh I hope not.

When I think I had lost him, I finally stop, trying to catch my breath. God, that was scary! The city is a lot scarier than I thought it would be! Didn't it even scare my parents to send me here by myself? Or has it never crossed their minds? Weren't they even the slightest bit worried about their only daughter? I'm only 15! Ahh... anyway, I need to go home. They must be- They? 

"Wait! H-hold up!" A distant shout makes me turn around in alarm. Yup. It was him.  

I began to dash off again. 

"Wait! Don't run! I-I won't do anything!" He shouted. 

Ahh what does he want from me?! I'm just a normal country girl whose going to be living in a city! Why is this happening to me already?! 

"I-I'm not a random weirdo on the street or anything! Well... it may seem like it but..." He didn't sound very convincing. "Hey, just hold up!" 

"Stay away from me!" I screamed back at him, "I don't wanna die yet! I'm only 15!" 

"Alright! Calm down! I won't do anything!" He shouted, obviously struggling to catch up with me. "You dropped your phone!" He waves the gray device around. 

I gasp. He has my phone! How in the world-! I knew it! He's a thief! 

"If you don't give me my phone, who knows what I'll do?!" I threatened, "I know martial arts for your information!" Which is a lie... 

His mouth widen in shock. "You're not possibly thinking I stole your phone, do you?!" 

"How else could you have taken it?" 

"You dropped it!" 

"That's what every seller and kidnapper in those movies say!" I insisted. "Who knows what you'll do once I give in?!" 

"You watched too much of those movies, kid! And besides..." He took in a deep breath before shouting questioningly, "Don't you know martial arts?" 

I blinked rapidly, "T-that's..." A lie... 

I'm about to shout an excuse when my toes hit something hard and I begin to tip forward. Again. 

It's over. RIP. I shut my eyes before hitting the ground and blacking out. 

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