CHAPTER 2- The Stranger

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Sorry for this very late update... ;-; I didn't realize 2 months already passed... much loves


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I opened my eyes to see a blurry, crying face of a man. When my eyes adjust to to the lights and intake the sight, I can't help but cringe.

What in the world...

Slowly, I begin to scoot away, only to be tied by his meaty arms wrapped around me.

"Thank god, you're okay!" He sobs into my shoulder, "What a relief!" I sit there, stiff and frozen in his arms. Too stunned and confused of why this was happening. Actually... What is happening?

"I'm so sorry! The connection got cut off and I..." He cut off his explanation and pushed me back by the shoulders so we were face to face. The tears continually ran down his cheeks. The corners of his lips were forced into a frown as he cried and snot ran down his philtrum.

From his cut off explanation, I squeaked, "Uhm... You're my uncle I'm guessing?"

"Oh. Yes! I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself" he laughed sheepishly, pulling away from me and i couldn't help a sigh of relief.

"We never met, have we?" He chuckled, grabbing a tissue from the small, round table beside me and blew his nose.

I shook my head.

"I'm pretty sure you've already heard from your mom, but I'm Park Jae-Sang. Your uncle," he smiles brightly at me.

I take in his appearance and his personality. Average, cheerful, friendly guy... Chubby.

Then I remembered what had happened. I was running away from a stranger... Then I... What happened? Did I faint?

"Who brought me here?" I ask, taking in my surroundings. I gotta admit this guy is pretty neat... I wonder if he decorated this room and made it this nice for me..?

"Ah...about that..." He's about to speak when he's suddenly interrupted.

"Hyung!" A male with a deep voice calls as- what I think is the entrance door, shuts behind right after, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Oh there he is" Uncle muttered, amusement in his voice as he grins.

"Hyung?" The bedroom door opens, and a tall male peaks through- wait... The thief guy?!

"Oh." He notices me and smiles, "You're awake? That's good. By the way, do you do track at your school or something? You're really fast."

W-what is this...? Whats going on?!

I shake my head slowly before he continues his rant, "Honestly, how can someone black out so easily? You just tripped and you looked like you were shot. Luckily Hyung-" he gestured to my uncle, "-picked up his phone. Man, you should've seen how worried he was!" He chuckled.

"Okay, okay, enough of your ranting." Uncle sighs, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. 

I should ask who he is... but before I could open my mouth, I was quickly interrupted by a growl. All heads turn to me and I could feel myself burn. I usually look as if I have no expression on my face so I wasn't too worried that they noticed I was embarrassed.

"Hm... it is past afternoon..." Uncle looks at the clock. 

"Shall we head downstairs?" The thief guy smiles and something in me flutter a bit. Huh?

"Yeah, let's do that" Uncle smiles back and they exited my 'room'. 

I touch my chest where my heart was supposed to be. What was that?

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After eating a table of food, I'm seated in front of my desk, recalling my day. I never imagined the thief guy to be so kind. And it was such a big coincidence that we were connected with my uncle. Bumping into each other at the train station... him trying to help me and me mistaking him as a bad person... 

I started my letter: 

Dear mom and dad... I arrived here more or less, safe and sound... 

Except I fainted but I probably shouldn't mention that. 

Thinking, I look up from my letter to see the thief guy in front of our house, talking with Uncle. Probably to say goodbye... ah, that's right. I don't know his name. What have I been calling him? And he saved me too... 

I jump a bit when he turns and our eyes meet. Smiling, he waves at me, calling, "Goodbye, paendeo!"  

That flutter again... but Paendeo? Why Paendeo? Who nicknames someone that? 

As he turns around, I imagine him carrying me on his back. But what was he doing here? Wait.. don't tell me he's my uncle's boyfriend?! 

Despite my strange guesses, there was a tingle of happiness in my chest. Why am I feeling this way all of a sudden?

+ = + = + = + = +

It was my first day of school in a city. Since the city gave off such a different impression on me than the countryside, I expected a city school to be different as well. 

After finally getting my uncle off my case and letting me go in alone, I let out a sigh. So many students in uniforms.. not much different from the countryside I gotta say. 

"Who is that girl?" I hear someone whisper. 

"Someone new?" 

I walk into the building. Does everyone remember everyone in the city? How can they tell right away I'm new? I mean... there's so many students! 

"There are new people arriving all the time."

"Don't you think she's a bit... vulgar?" A girl whispers. 

"Yes... a bit" Another responds, giggling. 

"Hey, it's not right to talk about others like that." A girl snaps. 

"Aww... you're so nice, Sandra." 

Sandra huh... 

"Hey, there's a new girl, Ji yong" A boy whispers far too loud. 

"Don't care" A bored voice replies. 

I quickened my pace, wandering down the hall. Where am I supposed to go? Is no one going to help? Then again... I don't have an expression on my face so they probably can't tell I'm lost huh... 

"Hey, Paendeo! New kids head to the office." A deep voice calls out, answering my trouble. 

That nickname... I turn around to meet an awfully familiar face. 

"Hello, I'm your new teacher. Nice to meet you." He grins and I remember... he was that thief guy! Despite the different get up, I'm very sure that it's him. 

Wait... he's my what? Did he say... my teacher?! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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