Chapter 2- Interstate Gas Station

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Chapter 2-

Pain was the first thing that registered in Sewell’s mind. Pain, then the taste of iron, and finally the cold in the air. His vision was blurry but he saw pieces of the bus strewn about. You have got to be fucking kidding me he thought. He sat up and looked around momentarily before slowly getting to his feet. His chest hurt, ribs felt like they were broken- and he’d had broken ribs before, he knew what they felt like. He grit his teeth and straightened up, reaching for his radio. Then a twig snapped and Sewell saw someone scurry away. He briefly ignored it and looked around, there was no one, Koons, Sanchez and the two other inmates were just...gone. Had they flown from the impact like he had? The officer approached the largest piece of the bus and stopped in his tracks, it was submerged in at least three feet of water. No, he wasn’t- he couldn’t search the water, there was no way he could...not after..Panic spread through his pained, aching chest. His fears had finally become an impediment. Refusing to dwell on them he spun around, and listened to the sounds of feet in the distance.

He tried to call in over the radio but received nothing but static. Slowly he ran after what he presumed was an inmate until he came to a gorge. On the other side was Murphy. George scowled with anger and drew his gun.

“Come on cupcake, get your ass back over here you know better than that,” he cooed as he looked for a way up and over. He could climb the side of the gorge to the road, and then walk the 30 feet to Murphy it’s not like he could go far.

“No. I’m not listening to you anymore, fuck you officer,” he taunted back as he climbed the gorge.

“Dammit Murphy, don’t be such a little bitch and get back here.” Sewell grit his teeth and began to climb the gorge. It seemed like it took forever and by the time he reached the road Murphy was gone from sight. He cussed out loud and looked around.

“What the fuck is going on here? What happened to the road?” he asked aloud, even though nobody was around to listen. Fog rolled in over the crumbled road and in the distance he could see a gas station. Relief washed over him. He could call in the crash, and get help. However as he approached he noticed the abandoned dilapidated state of the building and sighed heavily. You have got to be fucking kidding me, is this happening or am I still dreaming? He thought with a pained groan. For a moment the man stood and contemplated his options...should he continue to chase after Pendleton or should he go back to the bus? He lit another cigarette and thought before trudging around the gas station. He ripped a hole in the fence by pulling the wire from the post and slid through. Through the heavy cloaked trees he could see another building. Cautiously he walked up to it, the stairs were rickety and old but he climbed them. As he approached the double doors at the top George heard a mechanical noise coming from inside. He swung open the door and drew his taser. He walked through a rickety wooden door and found the skytram, slowly moving with Murphy on board. That song of a fucking bitch. Fuck this shit, I don’t get paid enough to play these kinds of games. He thought before he holstered his taser and limped back outside. Lighting flashed and thunder cracked loudly, Sewell’s stomach dropped again. He detested the rain.

He managed to limp his way into a nearby abandoned house. There he sat on a dusty old chair and caught his breath. The corrections officer was wet, cold and uncomfortable. A dusty blanket nearby took the chill from his bones as he tried to communicate through the radio. All he caught was static. He grunted with frustration and stopped trying. Another cigarette calmed his nerves while he warmed up. Smoking hurt his lungs but he wasn’t going to stop, it was one of the few vices he had that helped him think. He didn’t know where he was, or why this area was abandoned, had an earthquake come through? Grinding the cigarette under his foot, he stood up and tossed the ratty blanket aside. He checked his gun, and his taser before he climbed back out the window and ventured towards the sleepy, foggy town. George Sewell had no idea what the town had in store for him, all he knew was that he needed to find assistance.

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