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I did nothing on purpose yet your mad,

you don't understand why I'm sad,

you were here now your not,

over a stupid tiny thing I  could not do I had to do my other things before I came back to you not everything you see has to be a problem with me if you just turn around get over it and shoo,

We are friends or maybe now we're not,

I guess that's how it goes or that's what I thought,


that's not how it should be maybe if you get over it and be my friend and stop being mean to me maybe this will last not procrastinate over stupid little things you assume and make,

I had no choice so get over it please,

you don't understand but when I pass you the plate you throw it on the ground making my heart fall on a wooden stake the pain you made and the pain you'll make....

I did nothing so bad on purpose to receive this hate.

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