New home/ Night terrors

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Paige's POV: I packed my stuff into my last box and went downstairs. I hugged and said goodbye to my best friends Nayeli and Sara. "Ready to go?" Gerard my oldest brother said to me. I nodded and took one last look at the house I have know for my entire life. Nayeli and Sara left after saying goodbye and I went to the front. Mikey got my last box from my hands and put it into the trunk. I hopped into the back and started listening to 'In the End' by Black veil brides. I fell asleep an hour into ride. Mikey woke me up 3 hours later but I was too lazy to walk so I pretended to be asleep. Mikey gave up and said if I don't wake up he would pour ice water on me. I instantly woke up and headed inside. "Pick your room upstairs." Gerard told me and went into what I think is the kitchen. After looking I decided to take the smaller bedroom. I put all my boxes into the black painted bedroom and decided to go to sleep.
Mikey's POV: "No! Why? Don't leave me." "I should have died not you!" I heard those words come from Paige's bedroom. I quickly put on my glasses and headed into her bedroom. Once I went into her bedroom I shouted "Paige?" No response I went over and saw she was having a night terror. I shook her awake and asked why she was having one. She just started crying so I pulled her onto my lap and started hugging her. She stopped and I picked her up and carried her to my room. I set her down into my bed and crawled in next to her. I cuddled her and next thing we were both asleep.
Gerard POV: I was bored out of my mind so I decided to try and chat with some cute guys. I went online to Facebook and started searching through profiles. I kept on searching till I found a really HOT guy. I messaged him a "hi" now to just sit back and see if he replies.
frnkiero: Hi what's your name?
Gee: It's Gerard wbu?
frnkiero: What a cute name my name is Frank.
Gee: Thank you! How old r u?
frnkiero: 17 what about you sweetie?
Gee: I'm 17 too!
frnkiero: cool where do you live?
Gee: New Jersey
frnkiero: me too what school?
Gee: I start North Panther tomorrow.
frnkiero:I go there
Gee: so I will see u tomorrow.
frnkiero: Yep! Bye sweetie!
Gee: Bye Frankie
Dang he is really cool and he called me sweetie!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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