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If Anthony had to describe Ian in one word it would be cuddly.

Although it makes Anthony super happy and swell his heart up five times bigger, Ian would hug him every chance he got even the most awkward of places.

It could be a normal day where Anthony is cooking tea for the couple and while he was bent over to get the food out, Ian would come and hug him from behind. "SHIT!" Anthony yelled as the tray of chips fell from his hands and onto the floor. They stood there for a couple of minutes in silence as Ian continued to hug him despite the chips scattered across the room.



"You do realise you're hugging my ass, right?"

"Yep," he giggles and pokes it.

Anthony laughs and stands up, turning Ian around so Ian was smothered into his chest. "Baby?"


"Help clean up the chips."

Ian giggled before taking his head out and looking up at him, he lifted up on his tiptoes and hovered around Anthony's lips. As his boyfriend moved in to kiss him, he yelled, "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" and ran out the room.

"Get back here you little shit!" Anthony ran after him as he left a trail of laughter behind him.  

Sometimes Ian uses it for his advantage.

"I'm beating you!" Anthony laughed as his fingers moved quickly over the controller buttons.

Ian frowned and watched the screen where Anthony's character was a lap ahead of him; suddenly a plan popped into his head and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly.

His controller fell out his hands as he was trapped under Ian's embrace, "huh?"

The man giggled and nuzzled his head into his shoulder while still playing the game, in which Anthony hasn't noticed yet, instead he smiled down at him and hugged his arms tighter around him. 

Ian's character crossed the finish line and the music played through the room, removing Anthony from his little world of Ian and turned his eyes to the screen. "Really, baby?" he laughed. 

"I won!" His grin was met with a grumpy face, so he started poking Anthony's cheek.

And sometimes he does it at the best times.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ian called through the house as he shut the door with his foot; he walked into the kitchen and started to put the groceries away. Realising he didn't get an answer, Ian walked around looking into each room. "Anthony?"

That's when he heard the noise that he absolutely hated: crying. Running as fast as he could he reached Anthony's room where the sniffles got louder, his heart breaking as he slowly tapped on the door. "Antie? Let me in, baby."

The sound of feet scuffling across the floor and the click of the door followed quickly after. Ian's heart sank deeper as he saw Anthony with tears running down his cheeks, "oh baby," he grabbed for his hand and dragged his boyfriend onto the bed before wrapping his arms tightly around his shaking body. They stayed in each other's arms for a while when Anthony fell asleep with a small smile on his lips.

So, although Ian would hug him every chance he got (even the most awkward of places); Anthony wouldn't have it any other way.


I think I have an obsession with cuddly Ian.

I know it's small but I thought it would be adorable and had to write it as soon as possible! 

Hope you enjoyed ^.^

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