Flippy helps Flaky face her biggest fear

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Flippy was just walking down the road with a big happy smile on his face. He was enjoying the peace and quite for the time being and wasn't going to let anything ruin it. That was until he heard a blood curdling scream come from down the road. Without a second thought Flippy was down the road in seconds, running as fast as his cute little feet would take him. 

A minute later the mint green bear stopped at the front of "Happy Tree Zoo," before noticing a shivering little porcupine standing about 10 feet into the zoo, screaming her head off at a chirping little yellow ball of fluff. 

Flippy had to muster all his will power just to try and not flip, he could feel it happening when the veteran whacked himself round the face, leaving a red mark on his little green cheek. No he wasn't going to flip, not when one of his friends needed his help. So with a deep breath, Flippy put his hands over his ears and made his way towards the terrified porcupine.

Tapping Flaky's shoulder, the scary little red head turned her head to see Flippy with a big smile on his face but yet still with his ears covered. This was when Flaky's screams died down and instead was replaced with soft little whimpers and sobs as tears were seen in her pacman eyes. 

It was only when more chirping noises were heard that Flaky screamed and ran behind Flippy, who took his hands away from his ears and looked down at the little ball of fluff in front of him with a giggle escaping his mouth. 

The war veteran picked the little chick up and started to stroke it having a nice time while Flaky behind him looked like she was about to faint. Flippy moved his hand up to Flaky's face, the one with the chick in and smiled warmly while Flaky backed away fast. 

His face turning sad, Flippy bought the chick back close to him and just stared at it for a minute, before he clicked his fingers and then ran off. A couple minutes later Flippy came running back with a bag of seeds. He jumped into the chick pen and was then surround by tens of thousands of little yellow puff balls.

Putting his free hand into the bag Flippy pulled out a handful of seeds and threw them to the chicks who dived right into them. Flaky watched from the fence all nervous and shaky, Flippy beckoned his friend to come over. Shaking her head violently Flaky stayed right where she was and didn't budge. 

Sighing to himself Flippy ran up to the red head and handed her the bag of seeds and then pointed to the chicks, as in to say go ahead. Staring from the bag to the chicks to Flippy Flaky finally shuffled her hand into the bag and chucked a handful of seeds at the chicks who gobbled them all up in an instant.

Flippy feeling really proud smiled happily and then grabbed the chick from before and put it towards Flaky again who's eyes went wide with horror. Edging the bird closer, Flaky with her eyes closed slowly put her hand into the bag and took a minute just to got it out again and then took even longer to put it in front of the chick. 

Flaky flinched at the touch of a little beak pecking at her hand, opening one of her eyes Flaky turned petrified at seeing the little chick pecking her hand. With big quick breaths, Flaky started to hyperventilate until she couldn't hold it back anymore. A loud ear killing scream echo throughout the whole of Happy Tree Town. 

Shaking the chick off her Flaky was about to leg it, when a mint green hand grabbed her by the arm and held her tightly making the poor little porcupine unable to move. Looking over at the person who was holding her, Flaky could feel tears in her eyes as she looked into golden yellow eyes. 

Fliqpy had come out to play!

Fliqpy, Flippy's counter part was staring deep into Flaky's terrified little eyes with a psycho smile showing razor sharp teeth. The flipped war veteran snatched the seed bag right out of Flaky's weak hands and dropped it to the ground before grabbing one of the chicks and squishing it between his hands, the blood, bone and flesh all squelching and crunching in his hands as the crazed bear whacked the crushed remains of the chick into Flaky's eyes making the red head blind.

Minutes later 

Fliqpy had tied Flaky up with rope that came out of nowhere, and then put the red porcupine into the chick pen with all the chicks surrounding the red head. Able to see again Flaky carefully opened one eye before opening the other. Without another thought Flaky started to scream again as she saw so many chicks crawling all over her, blood stained her body as seeds were stuck all around her body. 

Now normal chicks would just peck the seeds off, but we're talking about chicks from "Happy Tree Town," here so instead of just pecking the seeds off, the yellow balls of fluff started to peck at Flaky's skin until they started to rip her skin and flesh. Flaky cried out in agony as the chicks started to eat her alive. 

Fliqpy watched from the fence laughing crazily, as holding the remaining seeds. Once the chicks were finished eating innocent little Flaky they turned to Fliqpy before dashing over to him. The veteran didn't notice only because he was laughing to hard, but when he felt a peck on his foot that was when Fliqpy started to panic. 

The chicks started to consume him until you could only see Fliqpy's green hand being swallowed up by the wave of yellow fluff balls. 

"Never judge a book by its cover, or in this case chicks!"


Flippy: Oh god why didn't I listen to Flaky *rocks back and forth*

Fliqpy: Yellow, so-much-yellow *faints onto the floor*

Flaky: I-I tried t-to t-tell y-you, baby chickens a-are d-deadly *sees a baby chick and runs away screaming*

Me: 0-0'

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