Chapter 1

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Madelyn's POV
I walk into my dorm room and sit on my rusty old bed. I check my phone and see that Sky uploaded a video. I watch the do not laugh video and check the time.
"Ughh!" I said, "it's only 4:38?"
Miss Sunny told all the girls that someone would have an appointment at 6:00 and see if they wanted any of the girls. I continued to watch more of Sky's videos and check the time. I couldn't wait for someone to walk through the doors.

Sky's POV
Alesa and I are doing great with baby Mason, but we have been wanting a older child. I scheduled an appointment at the orphanage down the street to see if any of the girls where the one that we want. 

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you really enjoy this first chapter! If you have any ideas or if you want to be a character, leave a comment and a vote! Have a great day and sorry that the chapter us a little short!  Bye!!!

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