Stuck In Another Dimension 1

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Do you believe in the existence of another dimension?Ofcourse not, i never did either,until last week...

        Let me start over.My name is Ali Champ and i live in Jacksonnville with my parents in a rundown apartement on the edge of falling apart.Well,that's because of my father,sitting the whole day on the moth-eaten couch,watching soap operas like some sort of addict.Things were much better back when he had a job,a real job,not just selling chicken eggs, kinda like now.To pay off,Mom is working as a seamistress all day!She's a great person,unlike that garbage with eyes glued to the rental T.V.

        As for me,i'm as useless as my failure of a father.I'm the worst in class,i'm terrible at sports,i have azma,i have no friends,and all my teachers despise me.Well that's an easy one since i'm the most wanted troublemaker in school,and trust me,it's not something to brag about.I have a scheduled detention everyday from 8:00 to 9:00 for the rest of the year because i flooded the boys bathroom,but it was really an accident!The pump was just not flushing!Anyway,i could get kicked out of school any minute if i commit any mischief again,and my dad wouldn't be happy to hear that i got kicked out of the cheapest school in the vicinity, he would probably oblige me to drop out.Too much for "Champ" as a last name...

       But last week,something completely out of the ordinary took place that changed the life of that Jacksonnville boy and turned that boring life of his into something worth considering. As i have completed my daily detention and continued my way to science class,the worst of all,i sensed something glowing from inside the boys' bathroom.Though the sewage water was still ankle high,i was able to locate the source of illumination.It was coming straight from the cubicle i have flooded.I reluctantly stepped forward to the round seat,and what do you know,the light was coming directly from inside the hole.I craned my neck closer to get a better view when suddenly Mr. Hummock,our principal,entered the bathroom with a couple of toilet engineers.Seeing me in this position,Mr. Hummock scolded,"Ali Champ,the champion of trouble.I assume you are already planning for another strike at our bathroom.I'm afraid i have no choice but to expell you,permanently..."

        My prediction has come true.After the expulsure,Dad told me that it was enough,and he wouldn't register me in another school anymore.He told me to go work with my mother everyday rather than staying at home all day.I wanted to say,"Why don't you go drag your useless butt and work with her,that would do us all something good."But i kept my mouth shut.One thing was still on my mind,ofcourse,the source of the light.It was just riveding to think that bright light would come out of a stinkin' hole,so i had to investigate.After a long day of thinking and sewing at the sewing shop,i finally came up with a plan:i was to sneak to school Sunday evening and return to the boys' bathroom,to search for the light,and then sneak back to the apartement to tell my parents that i took an extra shift in the sewing shop,so that they don't get all doubtful about me leaving at night.

          The plan underwent progress.I snuck out of the apartement while Dad dozed off watching his soaps and mom enjoyed her day off sewing us jackets.How ironic!Anyway,i reached school in a matter of minutes and crawled under the window of the first block that is always forgotten open,and ofcourse,i only know about.With every step a heartbeat struck hard,for the school was so creepy at night.Finally, i reached the bathroom wearily.For surprise,the light was gone,and so was the water on the ground.They must have fixed it,i thought.How was the light gone,i couldn't believe it.Maybe the engineers fixed it too,i thought.But when Mr. Hummock expelled me,neither he nor the engineers payed interest to the illuminating light.They must have seen it,or was it visible to only me!I'm becoming nuts,i thought.Just then i heard the sound of a cart being pushed down the hallway,and a mop thrumping up and down.The janitor,i guessed.It must be him,since he stays late in school cleaning the hall and the bathrooms.THE BATHROOMS!!I didn't think this through,he was going to clean the BATHROOMS!Each step sounding closer and closer,i realized my doom.Maybe if i flood the bathroom again,the janitor would be very busy trying to stop the water while i get the chance to slip past without him noticing.The percentage of the success of this plan was slight,but either that or getting caught,so i would have to take my chances and try.I frantically flushed the pump over and over until the water flooded out of all the cubicles.The sound of the janitor's feet was coming closer and much faster.I quickly hid behind the sinks as the janitor entered the bathroom.Terrified,he grabbed some blankets and slushed them at the water eruptions.The smell of the sewage was sickening,so my azma started acting up.I unwillingly started coughing and coughing,and that was just enough to grab the janitor's attention...

         "Halt!What are you doing here?You are a tresspasser,aren't you?I have commands to attack any tresspasser you know!"The janitor cried out,eyes bulging as he took out his electric tazar.The champ is done afterall,i thought.As he inclined forward,tazar zipping wildly,a distracting yellow light bulged from the cubicle i once flooded.I had a plan,but it was crazy.Then again,it was a crazy moment,so i took my chances.I lunged from behind the sinks and jumped into the yellow stream of light...

         Could things get any stranger than this?First i shove my stupid head in a toilet,and the next thing you know,Ali Champ travels to a place where nothing is seen but pure ice.Ice,Ice,Ice, the air so misty and smells so wierd.Well,its better than being tazared to death,i thought.I lay down on the freezy surface watching the sky,except it is nothing like the sky i usually look at.As i stared with concentration,i realized that i was just staring at our solar system:pluto,mars,jupiter,uranus...HEY,ISN'T THAT EARTH?????????


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