Prologue (1):

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Once upon a time, there were two beautiful young girls: one was as cool and brisk yet gentle as the winter, the other was as pure and innocent as a lily flower. They were both princesses, born to a beautiful queen who was revered by their country. But their mother was also a cruel witch who used a calculated illusion of outer beauty to abuse, misuse and deceive others, as well as relentless tyranny and corrupt authority to control, abuse and bring sorrow, chaos and misery to every helpless innocent soul that dared cross her path, all while hiding the true ugliness within. The mother also treated her daughters differently: she showed cold, unloving and poisonous disdain towards the eldest and had bitter envy towards her since she had natural beauty and came from the deceased woman her husband first and always loved above her, but the youngest she loved dearly, admiring that little girl's beauty and holding her up on a pedestal of praise, showering her with a love that bordered on unsettling controlling obsessiveness since she came from her own womb and shared her royal blood and also saw her as the key to winning her husband's love and erasing from his mind the memory of his late wife that embittered, enraged and tormented her so. The queen was adamant that her youngest become her successor instead of her eldest. But the lily wanted nothing to do with her mother or her treatment of her beloved big sister or plans for her to become queen, for she loved her sister and saw the true beauty, goodness and purity in her sister's heart, whereas she had only seen nothing but cruelty, selfishness, wickedness, corruption and coldness in her mother's heart, and wanted no involvement in continuing the royal family bloodline. Upon seeing her mother forcibly making her sister scar her beautiful face out of jealousy for herself and not wanting the lily to be outshined, the princess' heart hardened against her mother and could never again be turned. As they grew older, both princesses remained beautiful and loved by the people and they showed signs of inheriting their mother's gift, but they were scarred by their mother's wicked actions and together they made a strict pact to never use their gift under any circumstances, lest they become as wicked and corrupt as their mother. But with this stand, there came a price: for the winter, she became insane and fell into the world of that of an innocent child. The lily on the other hand, was also on the verge of insanity yet had also long become filled with rage, which turned into hatred, which will soon turn into vengeance...and the lily that was once pure and innocent will become as dark and cold as night.

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