Prologue (2):

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December 23, 109 T.E.:

Sixteen-year-old Princess Levana Blackburn and her husband, Evret Hayle-Blackburn--this marriage made him considered a prince, though he preferred not to be referred to as such--returned to the main palace from an appointment with Dr. Eliot with a powerful, unwavering joy in their hearts that couldn't be destroyed. Just two days after the birth of Levana's wretched older sister Queen Channary's daughter, Princess Selene Blackburn, and after some nausea, vomiting, dizzy/faint spells and the despair and worry over the possibility of never having a child of her own, Levana and Evret discovered courtesy of Dr. Eliot that the 16-year-old was one month pregnant with their child. Levana nearly fainted again at the news, though this time with joy and ebullience of a child who finally got the Christmas present she had long waited for. Evret was the most overjoyed upon the news to where he himself was glowing, and after their return to the main part of the castle his beloved daughter Winter bounced with joy upon being told that she was going to be blessed with a little brother or sister. On the outside, Levana tried her best to keep a happy face behind her glamour when watching Evret and Winter's interaction, but inside, part of her couldn't help but feel bitter and enraged--this moment of relief upon finally being blessed with the gift of motherhood that she feared would never come to pass, it was supposed to be her moment, a grand moment that she can relish in along with sharing it with Evret as her husband and her as his wife, a moment that could maybe, just maybe, and finally bond the two together in true unbreakable love--and to her, him sharing it with the child who was nothing more than a cruel, sick reminder of the fact that no matter what would happen in their lives as husband and wife, the late Solstice Hayle would always have his heart above her, even in death, was like a blasphemous insult. It might as well have been like the news of her pregnancy never happened! As long as Winter was in existence, so was the memory of Solstice, and as long as the memory of Solstice was going strong through Winter, so would the chance of Evret loving her and only her constantly slip through her fingertips. As Winter rushed over to her and tightly hugged her while proclaiming her excitement with the most endearing form of innocence, Levana forced herself to suppress her disgust on the inside and return the hug, especially as Evret came over to complete the family embrace. She hoped to the stars that her glamour would manage to emit a convincingly joyous expression for Evret's sake, though the look in his eyes that suggested him seeing right through her façade and looking straight down into her distorted soul contradicted his gentle smile, and left Levana feeling deeply ashamed and unsettled...though that soon turned to determination. Determination to be the best mother to Winter that she needs (even if it was a show most of the time), determination to give her and Evret's child, girl or boy, the best life of love, care, privilege and attention and happiness that Levana never received growing up, and determination to show Evret that she can and will be the best all-round woman for him in every way possible, and that it's okay for him to love her.

She would not lose, and this time, Levana was sure of it.


One year and eight months later, after attending weekly check-up appointments, buying proper baby supplies, setting up the nursery room and working hard on pre-planning a grand party for the baby's arrival that would hopefully match, rival and even outshine the super grandiose ones held in honor of baby Selene, on August 7, 110 T.E., a now-17-year-old Levana gave birth to her and Evret's child, an astoundingly beautiful baby girl. The labor/birth-giving came prematurely and when Levana least expected it, though Dr. Eliot and the nurses partially attributed stress to the premature birth--whether it be from working as hard in being hands-on in the set up for the baby, as well as for the baby's celebration party (despite it being against doctor's orders to rest and let the servants handle it) or from one particularly heated argument between her and Channary due to the strain in their own relationship and the latter's theory of Levana using the child as a tool of competition against her stepdaughter and her niece that started the fight, is unknown (though both is quite likely)--but that didn't matter. Not at all. All that did matter was that the child was born, she came out as the daughter Levana so desperately wanted, and the little baby girl was healthy and almost perfect. And she was very beautiful, too; the girl was born with smooth caramel brown skin free of acne, blemishes, scars, jaundice or any imperfections, beautiful eyes that on one hand had her father's striking and piercing emerald grey coloring in the irises and had her mother's darkly and eerily hypnotic onyx pupils, and hair that was naturally short for a baby's but was smooth, thick, coarse and silky, and as black as ebony wood--similar to her big sister's, and all of this wasn't glamoured, either. Levana cradled her baby daughter and observed her in a strange mixture of overwhelming love, admiration and fondness as well as sadness and yearning, then even a bit of jealousy. She's been blessed with the things I wish I'd had. But nevertheless she is indeed beautiful, she thought to herself. Giving the baby over to Evret to hold in his arms, and upon observing little Winter whispering hi to her little sister and giving her a kiss on her cheek that resulted in the baby giggling, and even watching Channary--who surprisingly found it in her good graces to attend the birth--watching in happiness and spite with little Selene in her arms, Levana realized that her daughter's beauty outshone the the queen and two princesses. Sure, Channary, Selene and Winter were very beautiful, but the beauty of Levana's newborn daughter outshone all three of them combined. Levana couldn't help but smile in smug satisfaction on the inside at the realization. It was probably childish to feel so, but she couldn't help it! Evret returned the baby girl to Levana's arms and told Winter that it was time to let her mother rest since it was a hard childbirth, then the two bid farewell as they and the other servants in attendance left, except for the midwives, nurses, Dr. Eliot and Channary, who sauntered to the side of Levana's bed with Selene still in her arms, standing over her with such imperiousness that made Levana fume and want to puke. "Well, baby sister, you've found a way to match me somehow", said Channary with a subtle condescension in her tone. "I'm impressed." Levana sighed and replied dryly and reluctantly, "Thank you, Channary." Saying that felt like vomit building up in her throat. Channary came closer--causing Levana to tighten her grasp on her baby out of protective urgency--and said sternly, "But don't get full of yourself or let it go to your head. Remember that not only am I still queen, your niece here is still the true heir to the Lunar throne. You're still a princess and so are your daughter and stepdaughter, and if anything I'd suggest that you and that palace guard husband of yours get started in finding them good husbands with high status in order to ensure that their place among royalty is preserved." She then backed away and returned to a more soothing tone. "But again, you've managed to quiet the rumors of your barrenness, proven both the naysayers and me wrong and bring into the world a rather beautiful daughter of your own. Just be mindful not to let any...competitiveness between us rob her or my daughter of the proper childhoods they so rightfully deserve." Levana fought the temptation to roll her eyes or leave her mouth agape--was this supposed to be a compliment or piece of wisdom coming from this witch, this selfish brat, this bully, this whore? If so, then Levana would rather be a complete fool. Dr. Eliot curtsied and kept her head bowed, and said calmly, "Pardon me to interrupt, your Majesty, but her highness and the baby need their rest. It's been quite a difficult premature birth." Channary adjusted Selene in her arms and scoffed, "Don't waste your breath, doctor. I'm quite aware of where and when I need to make my presence known, and it's time for Selene's feeding anyways." She then began to leave, with the nurses bowing as she exited, with her briefly stopping and saying to Levana, "By the way, Grand Duke Frederick Ravenswood of Elathia and his wife have just had a baby boy roughly around the same age as your daughter. In regards to what I said earlier, you might want to make some important arrangements beforehand." Levana exhaled in relief once her sister left, and nearly drifted off into sleep with the baby in her arms until one nurse came to her, bowed and said, "Excuse me Your Highness, but you have not yet named your daughter, and we have to officially log it into the royal birth certificate." "Oh silly me, what was I thinking?" Levana said with a giggle, which was mainly out of relief to focus on anything but her sister or her troubled marriage. She paused and briefly thought a while before giving her beautiful baby daughter her official name and title: Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess Liliana Callista Eirwyn Amaris Chanthavy Jannali Crescent Aurore Nyx Blackburn of Luna. The grandness, femininity and maybe absurdity of such a long name sunk into her mind, and with that plus being spurned by her sister and niece's presence and existence, Levana came to an epiphany around her new goal:

Even if she couldn't be queen, Selene couldn't. Instead, Lili would have to be queen. Lili was going to become queen, and Levana would make sure of it...even if a few drops of blood and tears would be shed, and whether Lili liked it or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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