Chapter 1

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Ashlyn's POV
(Curse words will be used, because this is a Supernatural story. Of course there's going to be cursing. Carry on, my wayward readers!)

"Ash, run!" My mother screamed as I watched a blade stab through her stomach.

I gasped in horror, a shriek rising in my throat. My mother slumped to the floor, dead.

My eyes widened, and I backed away as the demon who had killed her started towards me. I turned tail and ran, my knapsack thumping against my back. The demon was hot on my trail, and I wasn't getting any farther ahead. I dashed behind a building, and heard the sound of footsteps running by.

I let out a sigh of relief, slumping down against the wall of the building. My heart was pounding, and I was having a hard time controlling my emotions. I had just watched both my parents get slaughtered. My father had been killed earlier, by a different demon. Now I was an orphan. Great.

I stood up, sneaking a glance around the side of the building. The coast looked clear.
I ran across the parking lot, headed straight for my car. As soon as I got in, I put the pedal to the floor and zoomed away.

That was ten years ago.

First, let me introduce myself before we continue. My name is Ashlyn Hill, and I'm twenty-five years old. I have long, black hair and blue eyes. There, now you have a basic idea of what I look like. Personality-wise, I'd say I'm probably one of the most socially awkward people you'll ever meet. I don't know what happens, just whenever I'm around people, I immediately go into awkward mode. I'm one of those people who will tend to reply with, 'You too,' when you say goodbye. It's that bad.
On the other hand, I'm incredibly independent and can be bold when necessary.
Okay, enough about me. Back to the story.

As you know, my parents were killed by demons. I have yet to avenge their deaths, and I've been at it for so long. You're probably thinking, 'Demons? Yeah, right. Those don't exist.' But I can assure you, they do. And it's not just demons. Supernatural beings like vampires, werewolves, poltergeists, and so on all exist. I've seen them, fought them. I'm what you would call a hunter, and I don't mean the kind who hunts animals. I mean the kind that hunts every supernatural being you can think of. Sounds scary, doesn't it? It was, at first. I've gotten used to it by now.

Okay, okay. No more inner monologue.

I had just gotten into my black Jeep Wrangler when I saw it.
The black 1967 Chevy Impala that I've been looking for for....almost a year. The occupants of the car could only be two people, the Winchester brothers.
Sam and Dean Winchester. Fellow hunters. Why had I been looking for them? I had heard about them from a friend, how they were highly experienced hunters. Right then and there, I decided that I needed to find these guys. They could possibly help me avenge my parent's murder.

As soon as my eyes settled on that car, I let out a gasp. Could it be? I watched with anticipation as the car pulled into the diner I had just been about to leave. I waited rather impatiently for the car to be parked. Both the driver and the passenger's doors swung open and I immediately recognized the two people who got out.
They were indeed the Winchester boys. Sam, with his beautiful flowing hair and tremendous height, and Dean with all of his glory. I turned off my car and continued to wait, so they had a chance to get inside the diner. As soon as they did so, I climbed out of my Jeep and walked back inside the place. One of the waitresses immediately noticed me and walked over.
"Weren't you just here?" She asked quizzically.
"Yes, I was, but I just saw some.....old friends walk in. I needed to come back and say hi." I lied effortlessly, sending the waitress a convincing smile.
Nancy, as I read off of her name tag simply shrugged and led me to a table, right next to the Winchesters. My spirits soared as I slipped into the booth. I asked the waitress to get me a simple coffee, grateful that I didn't accidentally ask for something odd, like a chicken. I waited for her to leave before I began to plan my approach to the boys. I had to make sure not to fuck it up, because that would be disastrous. I needed them to help me. I eventually formed a plan and stood, walking over to their table. They both glanced up, stopping midway through their conversation.
My breath hitched, and I struggled to find the words for a minute before I blurted out, "My name is Ashlyn Hill, and demons murdered my parents."

(A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. Feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments.)

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