Chapter 2

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   I stood there in shock trying to process what just happened. After a moment it hit me hard - Sarah was dead. I fell to my knees and felt one tear after another flow down my face. I cried there on the ground in the middle of my horse pasture for what felt like hours even though it probably wasn't actually that long. I felt Lilac nudge my side with concern as I lay curled up on the ground. I sat up and stroked her neck. "I'm ok girl" I whispered to the mare. I absentmindedly twirled her mane around my fingers. Finally I stood up and pulled myself up on to my horse. "Let's run" I told her. I wanted to leave my thoughts behind for a while. We galloped to the edge of the paddock and jumped the fence. Yes I jumped my horse out of a paddock tackless, but let's not forget this same horse had just saved me from being killed by an evil unicorn. I've always had something special with Lilac, it's almost like she knows what I need her to do before I even ask her to sometimes. We galloped into the woods, and after a few minutes stopped next to a creek. I always came here when I was upset, and it has gotten to the point where if I was sad and galloped into the woods I didn't even have to control my horse, Lilac knew exactly where I wanted to go. Some of the things this horse understands amaze me honestly. I dismounted and sat next to the stream just watching the water flow by. Suddenly I heard a bush rustle and I jumped up. A chestnut quarter horse trotted out of the bush, he had a bald face and dark blue eyes I recognized instantly. "Storm!?" I gasped in disbelief. Even Lilac looked a bit surprised. I thought back to when the unicorn demanded to know where he was. "What are you doing here?" I asked not expecting an answer. To my surprise I got one.
"That is a long story Kate" he told me. "What?" I asked now more confused. I'd probably be freaked out if I just hadn't watched a unicorn appear in my yard. "What the heck is going on?" I demanded. A unicorn just killed my best friend and now her old horse was here. I had literally no clue what to think. "Well to start, that unicorn wants me dead" Storm said. "Um.. Why?" I asked. I seriously hated knowing absolutely nothing. "How do I explain this..." Storm sighed. "I've never been a normal horse. I was a good actor but never a normal horse. I'm the last of a powerful group of horses, we prevent the unicorns from taking control of the world. Right now, the unicorn you encountered is the last known unicorn in existence" he explained.
"What happened if unicorns take over the world?" I asked. I had the feeling it wasn't good.
"Well I can't say for sure, whatever they want I guess. Unicorns have always hated humans so they'd probably drive you to extinction or at least pretty close" Storm said. Well at least he didn't hide information, this horse got straight to the point.
"Well that's nice" I replied sarcastically. "What would they do without any people?" I then asked.
"Like I said before whatever they wanted. Unicorns would most likely end up destroying this world if they could use their power unchecked whenever they want. Unicorns have never cared though, they could just retreat into the magic realm if they wanted to, right now my power prevents them from entering" Storm explained. It suddenly bothered me then, why were we talking about if many unicorns took over if there was only one? I asked this to Storm deciding to leave the magic realm thing for another time. If this was anything like school I'd probably forget half of it anyway. "Well there may only be one unicorn, but there are many horses" Storm told me. "The offspring of a horse and a unicorn has a 50% chance of being a unicorn". I probably wouldn't remember that at all but oh well, worth asking I guess.
"So what are you then?" I asked Storm. That was the one thing he hadn't told me.
"I am the last known Fire Horse to exist, or I thought I was the last" he said looking up at Lilac. "I think the band explains everything itself".
"Wait are you saying Lilac is some kind of magic Fire Horse?" I asked "she's just a normal horse!" Storm looked me in the eyes and said
"Do you honestly think she is just like any other horse? Yes every horse is special and connects with a person in different ways, but think about everything she's ever done for you". I thought about it. Would I be able to jump any horse out of the paddock over the tall fence without any tack? Would most horses know exactly where to take me when I was upset? It seemed like they would but Lilac is the only horse I've ever owned. I don't have any way to compare at all. "I- I don't know" I replied. Storm looked up at Lilac again and nickered. Lilac neighed back sounding sort of surprised. I don't speak horse so I had to no clue what they were saying. Storm then told me "The reason you didn't know she's magic is because she didn't either". That was confusing.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"She's had these powers and never knew, she's probably able to speak to you like I can she just hasn't figured it out yet" he explained. Well this was awkward. My horse could probably talk but didn't really know how, and even she didn't know she was a magic horse. Lilac seemed anxious about all this. I stroked her neck and told her "I'm just as confused as you if it helps at all". Lilac relaxed a little probably relieved she wasn't the only one who understood none of this.
"What should we do now then?" I asked.
"Well the unicorn wouldn't have left if he knew Lilac was magic which means your safe for now. Go home and return to your normal lives for now and while your at school Kate, I'll start trying to teach Lilac to use her magic powers".
"Um.. Ok" I replied. I'd expected to be like in movies and be told to go on this epic quest right away but that's just not how it works I guess. Then again movies are limited to like 2 hours, I have more time then that I would hope. How I was going to get anything done at school with all this on my mind I had no idea. Storm disappeared into thin air giving no hint of where he was going. I got back on Lilac and told her "Let's go home, we've got a lot to think about". Lilac quietly started to canter back home where hopefully things would make more sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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