Part 1

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Matthew Williams was a very quiet college student who was practically invisible. He was there, people just ignored him. The only time he ever really got attention was when he was blamed for something his twin brother Alfred did. So, he always had to try and explain himself out of those situations. Sadly, it didn't always work. Today was one of those days.

He was walking down the street to his favorite restaurant, which he hadn't been to in a while, when he heard

"Hey you! Alfred! I know you hear me! I'm gonna make you pay for yesterday!" yelled a deep voice from behind him.

Said voice was steadily gaining on him.

Matthew didn't know what Alfred always did to piss people off. All he knew was he hated Alfred right now. He really hated Alfred right now. All he wanted was to have coffee and work on his homework in peace. But no, his stupid brother just had to make somebody angry. He took a deep breath. He really shouldn't make this situation worse than it already was.

"I'm not Alfred! I'm Matthew. I'm his brother." the Canadian said as he walked a little bit faster, to try and get away. Maybe if he could get to the coffee shop, this angry person would just leave him alone.

"Oh! I didn't know he had a brother." the man said as he caught up to Matthew. "I'm sorry. You want to get something from The Countries Cafe? I'll pay. "

"Yeah sure." Matthew mumbled and relaxed a little bit. At least he wasn't being chased anymore. Since he was going there anyway, why not?

"My name's Matthew by the way. What's your name?" the blonde asked quietly. He was very polite and his throat hurt if he raised his voice, so he tried not to unless absolutely necessary.

"Yeah, I know.You already told me. My name's Carlos." he said as he shook Matthew's hand overzealously. After he was done, the Canadian wiggled his fingers and grimaced slightly. Man, the guy sure had a strong grip.

When they arrived at the place, Matthew led Carlos to his favorite table by the window and sat down. Carlos followed suit. The Countries Cafe only had a few other patrons, just the way Matthew liked it. Alfred would've hated it. He and his brother were polar opposites in every way, the only exception being their looks.

"So, are you in college? I just graduated." Carlos asked. After they got past the mistaken identity crisis, Carlos seemed pretty nice. Matthew mused. Hopefully, he could make a new friend.

"Yes. I'm a sophomore. I'm trying to become a French teacher." Matthew answered happily. He loved to talk about his studies. When he did talk, that was what he liked to talk about. Francis, his papa, was French, so he was brought up with lots of knowledge about the country and its' language.

His other dad, Arthur, was British, and a terrible cook, so the kitchen was off limits for him.

"That's cool. So, what's it like living with your asshole brother?" the Cuban said jokingly. He's right. Matthew thought. He is an asshole. And, he has a big mouth. That "big mouth" is what got Matthew into trouble most of the time.

"It's just as pleasant as you would think." Matthew said, laughing quietly at the end. Which was, to put it bluntly, terrible.

Alfred always had friends over. He was so popular, it made Matthew cringe. He didn't get how Alfred could stand it. And every time they came over, they would start playing music and being too loud for Matthew to do his homework. Or, for doing anything else.Usually, Matthew would just wait until Arthur got annoyed enough to kick everyone out, but sometimes Francis and Arthur weren't there. Those days, he just left and walked to The Country's Cafe. This was one of those days.

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