Aligned in the Heavens

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Sunday was a very uneventful day. I didn't wake up until around nine, took a quick shower, and ate a late breakfast. The weather was absolutely breath taking. The air smelled of fresh blossoms budding on the Bradford Pear trees around the house. The sound of bees and chirping birds sang out across the land. The only thing it was missing was Snow White washing dishes with some animals. It was beautiful. I decided it would be a good time to go for a bike ride down the country roads. I slipped into some Nike leggings and tennis shoes, and put on a neon t-shirt.

As I was just about to head outside, my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen expecting to see Abby's name in bold colors, flashing for me to answer. But oddly enough, it wasn't her. It was Dr Philips, my dentist I work for. I quickly closed the door and headed into my room as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered. "Goodmorning!" His friendly voice responded. "I'm sorry to call you on a Sunday, but I need to ask you a huge favor." I sat down on the edge of my bed and asked him to continue. "Listen, I know this may sound strange, but we are going to have three new dental assistants start shadowing at the office next month for their required hours to graduate." I smiled as I thought of the days I myself had to do those dreaded clinical hours for graduation. "I was wondering," Dr Philips continued, "since you are due for vacation time anyways, if you wouldn't mind taking off for a a week or two for these girls to get some experience. Would you mind?" I was speechless. Did he just say what I thought he said? I sat there silenced. What was going on here? Obviously, someone was messing with a voodoo doll of me, or something. This was getting crazy.

I was snapped back into the conversation when Dr Philips began to call my name. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "I shouldn't have asked you to do this. I can tell I've upset you. Just forget it, okay?" I quickly spoke up before he completely annulled what he had just proposed.

"No, no, no, Dr Philips," I quickly stated, "I would love to do that! In fact, you have just made my life a whole lot easier." By the sound of the awkward silence that in sued, I could tell I had caught him off guard.

"Well," he awkwardly chuckled, "Then I guess this works out fine then?" I smile as I confirm that I agree to the plan. As I hung up my phone, I let out a squeal of disbelief. I quickly brought my phone back up and called Abby... of course.

It didn't take long for Abby and I to start planning our every step in Washington. From where we would eat, to what we would say if- and that's a big IF- we met the guys. I felt so dumb for even thinking in such a way, but that's one thing I lack in my character- spontaneous behavior. I've always been a concrete girl. Everything has a place, and everything in its place type of person. I don't take chances. I observe other people and learn from their mistakes. I'm not a risk taker. I'm... dreadfully boring, basically.

As Abby and I continued to talk, I could hear the sound of Mom singing to herself on the front porch. She must be tending her flower pots again. "Hey Abs," I interrupted my babbling friend, "Listen, we'll need to chat later. I have to go tell my mom the plan!"

She laughed sarcastically. "Girl, here you are 20 years old, and you still run every little thing by your parents..." I laughed at her comment. "Oh," I chimed in, "You have no idea the fear of God my mother can still put into to me with that glare! I don't care how old I am, I will always be a sucker for that death ray!" We both cackled heavily. "Besides," I added finally, "You're only 16. You still get grounded!" Abby began to comically defend herself as I continued to laugh.

After I hung up the phone, I went to inform Mom of the recent happenings. As my hand reached for the front door, I suddenly froze. "What am I doing?" I silently questioned myself. "What is she going to say? I am 20 years old, and I'm about to run off to a... boy band concert?" My mind began to chastise my thoughts. I slowly brought my hand down to my side. My mind was racing. I have a horrible habit of over thinking everything to the point where nothing sounds smart or safe.

I decided not to tell her. Right now, anyways. First, I'm going on that bike ride to clear my head. Then I'll tell her... later. Maybe.

I quickly head to the back door with my phone and water bottle in hand. As I reach the shop, I grab my trusty helmet off the shelf, and pull the old bike out the door. I've always loved long bike rides in the country. That's one of the best parts of living in rural Oklahoma: the sweet privacy and serenity of the Great Outdoors. I'm a country girl through and through. All I need is some land, a house, and a family, and I'm completely content. A smile creeps across my cheeks as I think of these things. I've lost sight of a lot of things that make me happy; lost sight of what I really want- what I really need. It seems as if life is wasted by living life. No one ever takes time to smell the roses anymore. We're too busy being born, working, and dying.

My thoughts are stopped short by the sound of a crash. I find myself rolling wildly onto the pavement and off into the ditch. Everything goes dark.

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