The Sorting

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They walked to the front of the Hall and waited. The room grew silent as McGonagall walked up the four steps and placed a four-legged stool, and put an old patched up wizard hat on it. A rip near the brim opened and the hat began to sing a song about the four houses.

After it ended its song the whole Hall burst out in applause and it quieted again. McGonagall stepped forward again with a long roll of parchment

"When I call your name you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," she said and unrolled the parchment.

Three people went before Alayna that was sorted into Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. It was finally Alayna's turn when McGonagall called her name.

"Begley, Alayna."

Alayna walked up and sat down and the hat was dropped on her head. The hat took ten long seconds till it yelled "Ravenclaw!"

She walked to the Ravenclaw table which was cheering the loudest out the four. Alayna saw Keira, one of the prefects, stand up and make sure that Alayna got a seat.

I hope Lily is in Ravenclaw. Alayna thought.

"Black, Sirius," called McGonagall.

A boy with untidy black hair walked up to the stool sat down and eminently the hat called "Gryffindor!"

Alayna was surprised because all his family was Slytherin. Now I really hope that Lilly's in Ravenclaw.

"Evans, Lily," McGonagall finally called.

She sat down and the hat yelled "Gryffindor!"

She sat across from Sirius Black and Alayna's hopes that her new friend wouldn't have to be teased every night was extinguished.

After that, Alayna was listening half heartily but remembered the few names that went to Gryffindor. Like Remus Lupin, James Potter this one she made a note of remembering to avoid at all costs. And also she remembered Peter Pettigrew that also went to Gryffindor but was stout and a tad overweight.

Alayna was bummed that her new friend wasn't in the same house but was also glad because she could see Keira in the common room.

Suddenly the plates filled with food. Dumbledore had said something but Alayna didn't hear. And the people around her grabbed food off the plates and she quickly joined.

She pulled herself around as the first years traveled up the stairs to the Ravenclaw tower. She was in the back and Keira was keeping a close eye on her because the stairs were moving behind them.

They finally got up to the tower without anyone straying off. But Alayna did see that a few Gryffindors had been led astray because the stair moved with them on it. She felt sorry for them till she saw that is was Sirius Black and James Potter.

It's bad that I'm holding grudges already. I will have to see them in class.

"Now, to get in you have to solve a riddle to get into the tower. It changes every time if you don't solve the riddle you will have to stay out here till someone comes along. I think it would be smart of you to stay in the common room at night so that if you can't figure it out you don't get locked out. But only for the first few months till you get the hang of the riddles," The boy Prefect said and Keira nodded along.

"If you look at the number on my face you won't find thirteen anyplace. What am I?" Asked the door suddenly.

"Any ideas?" Asked Keira to the first years.

"Um—a clock," Alayna thought out loud. The door opened motioning that she was right.

"That makes sense, good answer," a girl next to Alayna said.

The day was over and Alayna was exhausted. The common room was already packed with students.

It had been a month since the sorting hat put Alayna in Ravenclaw and her best friend in Gryffindor. Even though Lily was in Gryffindor Alayna saw her when she wasn't studying in the common room.

Keira has been keeping close eyes on Alayna even though Alayna hated it because then she couldn't seek around with Lily and Sev as much.

Today the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindors had Transfiguration together. It was Alayna's least favorite class despite Professor McGonagall teaching it. It was her least favorite because James Potter and Sirius Black were the class show offs which was Alayna and Lily in any other class.

It was always odd in Transfiguration because James and Sirius would actually listen to the Professor. And did the work.

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