Firebop: A Whole New Adventure

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It had been over 2 years since I'd been married to Stahl. We were both very happy, and we loved each other deeply. I was so happy I had listened to Jin's advice and moved on. The pain of losing Jin, my first love, was still there, but it wasn't as strong now. I was learning to battle that pain, and Stahl battled it with me. Stahl came down the stairs and sat at the table beside me. "Hey, babe." He said, and leaned over to kiss me. "Hey honey." I said, and kissed him back. "Let me get your lunch ready." He yawned. "What happened to breakfast?" He asked. "You overslept, and I didn't want to disturb you." I replied. He got up for a minute to hug me. "Thank you sweetheart." He said. We were actually heading towards a whole new chapter in our lives. We were going to have a little girl. We had decided a long time ago on the name. Severa.

.......Severa is born.......
Today was the day. A new little life. My daughter, Severa. She was absolutely beautiful, and I was glowing. I had a huge smile on my face, and I was so happy. There she was. My little girl. She looked up at me, with her bright little eyes. I held her little hand. Stahl came over beside me. He was beaming, same as I was. We were both overjoyed and filled with emotions. Severa, our little baby girl, was happy and healthy. And she was so beautiful. I started talking softly to her. "Hello, Severa. You're so precious." She smiled at me. "Hi baby." I handed her over to Stahl. He held her, beaming. "Hi Severa. Daddy's here." He said, rocking our little girl. That was my husband, and my daughter. I was so happy. So blessed. I loved them. Both of them. Not too long ago, I never would have dreamed of being a mother, but now, it was the graetest thing that ever happened to me. That and marrying Stahl.

........Nearly a year later.........
Our little Severa was growing up. She knew how to talk, she could walk now, and she was always so cheerful. I was so proud of her. She was my little girl. Stahl was a great dad to her. He would sit with her, and tell her little stories about rainbows and ponies, or he'd sit and play with her for hours on end. He'd simply just sit with her until she fell asleep in his arms. She was our precious little baby girl, and we loved her so much.

...........3 years later............
Severa was 3 years old today. She was growing up so fast, and she was growing up to look like me. She came down the stairs from the old guest room, which was now her bedroom. She held her little teddy bear, wich she called Winston. Stahl came right behind her, and picked her up. "There's my girl! 3 years old already!" Severa kicked and screamed. "Daddy, let me down! I want to talk to mommy!" Stahl set her back down, and she came running over to me. "Hi sweetie." I said. "Happy birthday!" She smiled at me. "Thank you mommy!" She said. She was always so happy and full of joy. I loved her more than anything in the world.

........A few hours later.........
Stahl and I had each gotten Severa a little gift, and had invited some of her friends over, and their parents, and some more of our friends as well. She was so happy and cheerful as she always was. But the one thing she wanted to do the whole time was open all her gifts. Typical of little ones. She made me laugh all the time. When the time finally came for her to open her gifts, she was so exited, and tore into them like nobody's bussiness. She received a lot of different things. I loved seeing her so happy. When the party was all said and done, I took Severa up to bed. She snuggled with Winston, her little stuffed teddy bear. "Mommy," she said, as I tucked her in. "Tell me a story." I thought for a minute. I sat on the bed and proceeded to tell her.
"Well," I said, "have you ever heard the story of Jin the warrior?" She smiled under the covers, and shook her head. "No mommy! Tell me!"
I proceeded to tell the story.
"He was from a whole other universe. He woke up one day to find himself here, in our world. He was a very brave warrior, and fought bravely. Then he saw a beautiful woman. He got destracted, and the girl warned him to watch out. He turned around, and fought the enemy without one word said. He then turned back to the girl. He was in love with her. He went away back to his house, and the girl decided to go over for a visit. They fought by each other's side, and took down the enemies." I left the story there. "Mommy!" Severa said, "Tell me more!" I kissed her forhead, and shut off the light as I got up. "I think that's enough for tonight." I said, and walked out the door as she laid her little head on her pillow.

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