Chapter 1

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20XX, January 21. 10:22 p.m.

Tenguu Harbor, Tenguu City, Japan.

Two boys aged between 16 or 17, was facing each other. Between a space of trailers.

Only the two weapons in their hands were illuminating the dark area.

In the left. Was a boy with dark azure hair.

In the right. Was a boy with oak brown hair with a streak of ash blonde down from the middle.

Both of them wore the same clothing. Blazer uniforms.

Both of them had the same expression. Hostility.

There wasn't any comparisons with their facial characteristics, for they looked exactly the same as the other.

Only the differences of their eyes, hair colors and their weapon. Differentiate them from one another.

In the left. The azure haired boy was holding a large broadsword.

In the right. The brown haired boy was holding a long saber.

Both of the weapons contained unexplainable art.

"Ouma Shu...." The azure haired boy spoke.

"Itsuka Shidou...." The brown haired boy spoke.

Then there was silence...

"Shidou, I know Inori is alive in this world...... This sword of hers is the proof......Tell me where she is or I'll destroy you.... Even if you are «me»."

"Shu, Inori is already your world....."

"Then....Then why is her «void» still here! If a «void» breaks the owner would disappear. If the owner exists, the «void» they own should exist too! You know that!" Shu yelled angrily.

"That's right..."

"Then in that case, Inori is alive!"


"That girl.... Tohka. This is her «void»....She is Inori...."

"No, She is Tohka not Inori....."

"Don't tell me you're..... You're taking Inori away from me!..." Shu gripped his saber with both hands.

"Shu....I can only tell you this......I won't hand over Tohka to you." Shidou gripped his broadsword tightly with both hands.




The next morning.

"Ohio Tohka...." Shidou spoke as he went down from the stairs whilst rubbing his newly woke eyes.

"Mmm, Ohio Shidou." Tohka replied turning her head to Shidou with a bright smile. She was currently sitting on the sofa watching the morning news as usual.

"My my, Shidou-kun. You seemed to have slept late last night. Did you bought new A-books?"

"Yoshinon." As Yoshino covered Yoshinon's mouth in a hurry. They too was watching the morning news as Tohka.

"Uh....." Shidou looked around tiredly searching for a reply to the question Yoshinon threw. Well, it wad true about sleeping late last night. And, the next one was also... true. But, reading them wasn't the reason why Shidou stayed up late. It was because of a fight.

"Ummm, where's Kotori?" Shidou finnaly asked. Avoiding Yoshinon's question.

"I'm here..."

The one who replied was no one else but Kotori. She was also coming down from the stairs with black ribbons on. But, with the exception of being tired. She must have been awake in her room already and stayed in there doing something related to «Ratatoskr».

"Oh... Ohio Kotori..." Shidou spoke.

"Yeah yeah..." Kotori nonchalantly replied as she went over to the sofa to watch TV.

"By the way, should you be in the kitchen making breakfast?" Kotori said while picking something out of her pocket.

"Mu.... Now you've said it. Shidou, asagohan!" Tohka said. With the same cute happy expression she always have.

Suddenly, Yoshino's stomach grumbled with a cute sound.

All of their attentions in the living room was on Yoshino.

Yoshino's face went flush red with embarrassment. And tried to cover her face with Yoshinon.

Shidou made a smile.

"Ok, I'll make breakfast. But, first" Shidou went to Kotori.

"Hey!" Kotori said, swiping the lollipop in her hand by Shidou.

"No candies before breakfast."

With that Shidou went to the kitchen.

"Yuzuru. Is this okay?."

"Reply. This is enough to please Shidou."

Shidou heard voices in the kitchen.


To his surprise. The Yamai sisters were there.

"Kya!" Kaguya said with a cute voice.

"Shocked. Kya!" Yuzuru said with words not syncing with her expression.

From there Shidou saw the kitchen in mess.

The utensils and eggshells were everywhere.

"You guys....." Shidou spoke.

"Inform. Shidou, I infiltrated your house through the vents 4 a.m. in the morning. And I was the one who failed to cook omelets multiple times until now. I beg of don't be angry at Kaguya." Yuzuru rushed to Shidou and placed her hands on each of Shidou's shoulder and spoke with a begging tone.

"What are you saying Yuzuru." Then came Kaguya to Yuzuru.

She looked at Shidou.

"Please don't listen to her Shidou. This is all my fault. I'm all to blame. Kaguya went through the door along with Tohka and Yoshino this morning. I was the one who infiltrated your house and made this mess. Please don't be angry at Yuzuru." Kaguya spoke replacing Yuzuru's hands on Shidou's shoulders with hers and begged. And also losing her chunnibyou personality.

The Yamai sisters. Exact twins except for some subtle things. They give more importance to the other than themselves.

"....Both of you it's allright. It's not like I'm angry that you messed up the kitchen and infiltrated my house early this morning....." Shidou spoke his true thoughts.

"Eh?" Kaguya spoke.

"Exclaim. What?" Kaguya spoke.

"I said, I'm not angry... I'm just hungry... So can you please let go of my shoulders." Shidou spoke with a tinge of annoyance.

"S-Sorry." Kaguya released her tight grips off Shidou's shoulders.

"Anyways... I should start cleaning the kitchen. So that I could start making breakfast.....Are? Something smells burnt." Shidou said.

"Wah! The omelet!" Kaguya exclaimed.


At the same morning with the same time.

In an alley. Shu limped while holding his right shoulder in pain.

"Shidou.... You bastard....." Shu spoke with anger.

Shortly after finishing her speech. He collapsed down to the piled up garbage.

Then a figure appears before Shu.

It was a girl. Of age 16 or maybe lower.

She had pure white hair that was hovering on top of her shoulders.

She had the expression of a doll.

Also, she was holding a plastic bag full of groceries.

She was no one else but Origami Tobichii.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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