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I was born in 1983, since then I have had 13 owners. It only Took all of them 3 minutes to put me on their lawn that's quite selfish and rude gee! Well you don't to hear about my owners so just go to the next paragraph.
OK so I just turned 125 years old, well in human years. In cat years I'm 875 years old. Man I just realized how old I really am.
But I didn't quite get to tell you a big detail in my life. Well 2 reasons I'm always on the lawn is I'm kind of paranormal I guess. Well I know, OK I don't want to bore you so I will tell you through out the book.
First, I can kind of talk that's why owners 10,3,1,6,and 4 dumped me  on their front lawn! I had to run from owner 2 cause he went nuts! And if you where to look into my eyes you wouldn't see anything pretty. Probably just your death or maybe something that happens to you in your future no big deal. And I don't want you to through your phone on the lawn so I'm going to stop and move along to the next chapter......

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