Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~Alana's POV~

All I see is fire. Nothing but fire. Everything is being engulfed in flames. I was scared.

"Mama! Papa! Are you still here!?" I yelled trying not to breath a lot of the smoke. I have no clue to what started the fire, but what I do know is that I needed to get out of here. I walk into my parents room only to see something I feared to see. My parents laying on the floor... Dead.

I was terrified. Then standing right next to their bodies, was a man with a bloody knife in his hand. He grabbed me by my nightgown. I struggled to get away since he was much stronger than me. He lifted the knife into the air and said,



"Ah!" I woke up with a scream and I was in cold sweat. I sit up and look around and notice I am still in the same old abandoned small warehouse that I have been at for a while, I see no fire, no dead bodies, no blood, and no man with a knife. I sigh in relief. I place my hand on my chest over my heart. It was still beating rapidly.

"Only a dream... Only a dream." I say to myself trying to calm down even thought it was a nightmare, and to be honest, it wasn't even a nightmare either, it was a terrible memory playing my head, but I still considered it a nightmare since that night was like a nightmare.I lay back down, look at the ceiling of the abandoned warehouse, I close my eyes and attempt to go back to sleep, but I don't feel comfortable sleeping anymore after that nightmare. So I get up and walk out of the abandoned warehouse to take a walk. As I walk into the the alley, I begin to to climb the side of the warehouse. Once I reach the top I get a view of the streets below. I was beginning to think that it was safe to walk into the night, but then I noticed a man running. He has black hair but I could not exactly see the rest of his face, I did manage to see he was dressed very nicely in a dark forest green suit.

'He must be a noble. But what business could he possibly have at this hour?' I thought to myself, so I decided to follow him. He runs into an alley, I leap over some buildings to catch up to him. Having to be half demon does have it's privileges, but I still don't exactly like being a half demon. He stops at a dead end, and he starts to freak out and he sits on the ground. I decided to come down from the building to talk to him. So I leap of the building and land on the hard cold ground. He hears me land and turns his attention to me, he looks terrified, but I did get a better look at his face. Even though it was still dark, I could tell he has sky blue eyes and a round shape face. He looked very familiar to me, but I don't know from where.

"It is alright, I am no threat to you. I am just curious on why a noble like you would be out here at these hours?" I ask him in a very calm voice. He seemed to calm down a bit and he seems to be staring at me.

"That is not really none of your business miss, but I do have a question for you. Have I meet you before? You look very familiar to me." He said to me as he tries to stand up. That's when I notice the folder he was carrying in his arms. I wanted to ask him about it but surely he would deny to answer my question, so I ignored it. I was brought out of my thoughts when the man started to speak again.

"What is your name?" He asked me.

"My name is Alana." I just looked at me, trying to remember if he knew me, but I guess he couldn't remember.

"Well, my name is Adam." he said. Even though he told me his name I still did not remember him.

"Well, it was nice meeting Alana, and if I remember who you are I will come looking for you. But right now I have to leave." He said as he started to walk out of the alley. He looked around to make sure no one was looking. He was about to walk out completely when he came running back to me with a scared look on his face.

"Here take this folder and guard it with your life. I know I just meet you but I can't let this folder get in the wrong hands. Please take this to the Lambert manor outside of the city." He took out a piece of paper and wrote something one it, "Here. This says that I sent you to deliver the folder and that they should pay you for your service, and I signed it so they will know that it's really me. Now go! Run and don't turn back!" He yelled and he pushed me out of the alley. I started to run really fast. Then I take a turn into a alley and jump onto the high building. From there I start jumping other buildings until I reached the warehouse. I walk inside and I sit on the ground and look at the folder.

"What is so important about this folder that he gave it to me?" I wanted to look inside, but I can't.

'This folder does not belong to me, I can't just look at it. But then again what if it has something to do with my family. Adam did say it was directed to the Lambert manor. I could help, but who am I to them. Alana Roselia Lambert died five years ago in a fire along with her mother and father, well to the society thinks  I died but I am still alive. But I can't show myself. The first thing they will ask is how am I alive. And I can't tell them I survived because I was turned into a half demon by some other demon who thought I shouldn't die and that I had a lot to live for. Well, that demon was correct. I still need a lot to live. I will not let myself be killed or die, not until I find my mother's and father's killer.' I thought to myself. And for the rest of the night, I did not fall back asleep.

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