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Clarke had been doing anything to survive, Sneaking about, stealing, even Killing. She had no other choice, after what she did in mount weather, she couldn't face her people again. As she was walking in the woods, she heard crunches of leaves close behind her. She hid behind the nearest trees and watched to see who or what was following her. 

"taim heda leksa asked osir kom retrieve wanheda. bilaik ste chit osir shall do."

Her breathing quickened and her heart began to race "if commander Lexa asked us to retrieve the commander of death. that is what we shall do." she translated. Living out of camp has made me her almost fluent the grounders language. 

Her name echoed in Clarke's mind. The one she loved, th one who betrayed her was now looking for her. She saw the grounders walk away, but Clarke needed answers. 

"If you are looking for the Commander of death. You have her." She called out, she held her breath as the two men walked over towards her. She knew was taking a risk, but this was the only way to see if Lexa really did care about her too.  "And i need to speak to you commander." She said, putting on a brave front. One of the men laughed and before she could do anything, he had used his weapon to hit Clarke's head and knock her to the ground.

She was dragged through the forest, to where The Commanders new throne was placed. 

Lexa was talking to Indra about her truce with The sky people, and if they had made the right decision.

"Wanheda is out there Heda, You now know what she is capable of. What if she comes for you."

"Clarke did what she had to do to save her people  and i trust she will understand that i did too."

Before Indra could respond, a guard entered the room in a hurry. "What is the meaning of this interruption." She called.

"She's here, sha..." But before he could finish his sentence, they heard a crash from outside, followed by the sound of a struggling prisoner. Lexa led Indra and the guard to where the activity was happening. She stopped in her tracks as she saw the blonde facing her with a knife up to a grounders throat.

"Clarke?" She stood there, breathless and staring at what she had become. Clarke was so innocent, so precious and now she was threatening to kill her guards. 

"I'm surprised you used that name Heda."  Clarke replied, bitterly, making sure their was emphasis. "I thought you liked my new name, You know, the one you gave me." Lexa raised her head, trying to look strong in front of her people. 

"Lets go inside Clarke. Let my guard go,this is between me and you." She turned around and stepped back inside, trusting that Clarke would follow. 

Clarke let the grounder go and did what Lexa asked, but to Lexa's surprise by the time she had turned around to face her, Clarke pushed Lexa against a wall and held a knife to her throat. She gave her no look of fear but instead noticed how Clarke's hand trembled and how she had lost that gleam in her eyes she saw the first day they met. 

"Put the knife down Clarke. I know you're hurt..." She felt the knife dig deeper into her neck.

"You don't know anything, you betrayed me, now i'm going to hurt you like you hurt me." Clarke's words cut into Lexa worse than any knife could. But it wasn't easy for the princess either, she had thought about her everyday, trying to understand why she would leave, and now she was threatening to hurt the one she loved most.

Lexa grabbed Clarkes arm and swung her round, making her fall to the ground with lexa sat on top. 

"I didn't want to do this clarke but i need you to listen, to understand." She felt Clarke's hand on her leg as she struggled out of her grip. She thought she was winning, that Clarke would give up and listen but that soon ended as she felt a sharp blade sink into her leg. She cried out in pain, and in the moment of weakness, the princess saw her chance and flipped Lexa onto her back. 

"You made me the commander of death, so that is what i shall be." For once Lexa was frightened of the girl. She grabbed her arm as she saw the knife come plunging towards her.

"Stop! I know you. I know you don't want to do this." She cried. She struggled for a while, trying to get the raging blonde off her whilst avoiding the blade right in front of her. Lexa looked up to see Clarke's face, full of determination and hatred. She knew what she had to do to save Clarke from herself. Her grip around her arms loosened and she saw the knife come slowly towards her. The determination on her face quickly turned into confusion and worry.

"It's Okay. I know why you have to do this." Lexa tried to soothe Clarke as she noticed what was going on. 


"I betrayed you, the only way for you to forgive me is to get your revenge, to kill the one who almost made you lose your people. But its okay Clarke, i know you, and i know you make decisions with your heart, and i forgive you for this" She looked deeply into her eyes, she knew her well enough to know that after she killed Lexa, Clarke would be looking for forgiveness, due to the amount of regret and love she would hold.

she felt a tear drop onto her face from the beautiful blue eyes of the princess above. 

"Just tell me." Clarke responded, "Did you ever love me?" 

The commanders eyes widened and she whispered, "I still do." she looked away, and waited for it to end."I'm sorry Clarke. I did whats right for my people, and i would do it again if i had to.It broke me to leave you, but i had faith that you would save your people too. You're a great lead..." She was interrupted by Clarke's lips crashing on hers, and the sound of the knife dropping next to her head. She felt her warm kiss, and it suddenly became that familiar feeling of home and belonging she felt the first time they kissed.

Clarke lifted her head and her blue eyes locked with the green,

"I love Lexa." They both smiled, and laid next to each other, talking about their 3 months apart.

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