What's Your Problem?

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I sat at the desk waiting for my form tutor, tapping my hand on the table, everyone was on their phones, whilst I was just sitting there. When Callum Stonem came in, everyone loved him apparently hes a 'Dream Babe' never really was my type, he was good looking I guess, he sat down and looked at me, I gave him a glare which stopped that.

By break time I was sitting on the bench, waiting for the others to finish class, when Callum came over and sat next to me. His had black hair which sweeped across his face, sapphire blue eyes, that shone in the sunlight, he had a cheeky grin, pretty good looking, looked like a bit of a player.

"Clover" Callum said, he sat back and looked at me

"Alright?" I replied, not wanting to look in his persuading eyes

"Clover Fillmore, a pretty name that suits a pretty face" He flirted, I blushed

"What do you want?" I looked at him, his eyes starred back into mine

"I want to know the girl behind the pretty face" He smiled a cheesy smile

"Do this with most girls, eh Stonem?" I asked, I kind of wanted him to go away

"Maybe," he looked at me again, " Tell me about yourself" He took my hand, he looked deep into my eyes

"Get off me!" I demanded, he pulled away

"Hi" Vlad came over, and asked if I was okay

"Fine, he was just leaving" I said bitterly, Callum stood up and walked off to his group of friends, Brooklyn hovered around him like a lost puppy, but for once he pulled her away.

"What did he want?" Robin asked

"I dont know" I replied still watching Callum

"Trouble probably" Vlad interrupted 

"What if he was being serious?" I said, instantly regretting what I had said

"What?! Him serious yeah right" Vlad said, "He isn't good for you!" 

"And how would you know what's good for me?!" I argued, Vlad walked of and Robin sat next to me

"ignore him, he's on his man period today" Robin tried to make me feel better

"Lush.. thanks for that!" I laughed. When the bell rang, me and Robin went back to class, the whole time Callum was glancing at me, throughout the lesson.

"Look who has a crush on Clove!" Eve winked at me

"It isn't funny! He's taking the piss now." I replied, getting annoyed. I walked over to him, he looked at me walk over, his grinned but I didn't react, the class was still talking but, Robin and Eve watched me walk over to Callum, 

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked him, "Stop starring at me you freak!" 

"Well.. I like you" he whispered

"Oh YEAH right!" I replied, about to walk away, when grabbed my arm and pulled me close

"Meet me outside school at 4 o'clock" He whispered in my ear.

"Why?" I asked, folding my arms

"Just do it" He replied, grinning again, I walked back over to my table, thinking about what just happened.

 After school I waited behind, I wasn't too keen on staying and talking to Callum, but I did. Minutes went by, 10 minutes later Callum popped his head round the corner,

"Psst!" he tried to get my attention, I walked over to him, behind the wall

"Explain" I said, looking at my imaginary watch on my wrist, getting a bit fed up now

"Why are you afraid?" He asked me, his smile had gone from his face, and he slowly got closer to me, he eyes still looking into mine

 "I'm not afraid.." I replied, I was getting a little scared

"Tell me, there's something inside you're hiding, from everyone, even yourself" His voice became softer, almost like he could read my mind and know my feelings

"There isn't anything" I shrugged

"OH FOR GODS SAKE! Why are you being so weird?" His voice grew louder, like a lion roaring

"Me being weird? Tell Me Callum, why are you being weird? Why are you talking to me?" I asked

"Because.." His smirk returned to his face, "I.." He spun me around so my back was against the wall, th tension was building up, "Like You" He whispered, then he kissed me

"MDJFEKVNQEWL!" I tried pushing him away, but I could despite how much of an AMAZING kisser he was, this wasn't right!

"What?" He stopped and looked at me. I said nothing, but suddenly had the erge to kiss him again, I flung my arms round his neck and we passionately kissed, my back kept bashing against the wall

"CALLUM! Fuck Off!!" I yelled, pushing him away, I turned away, and started to cry

"Just get to know me" He whispered, he gently put his hand on my face and forced me to look into his eyes again, I nodded gently, as if he was controlling me.

We arranged to meet again on Saturday, why did I agree? I'm so stupid.

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