I show harry around

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          "Come on I said so Harry followed me I took him to two fat small figures , "hi tweedledee hi tweedldum" I said "hi this is Harry Potter Ron weasly and I am hermione granger pleased to meet you" hermione said "who are those fat guys" Ron said "Ron do you have any manners at all well this is part of a children's story called Alis in wonderland this is tweedledee and tweedldum." Ron blush so hard that he looked like a cherry. "At your service" the tweedl brothers both said together. "Bloody hell hermione we jumped into a children's story well you must have a plan like you always do." "Ronald weasly do you want me to make your mother send you a howler!" "No" and they continued fighting for hours at a time.
😀😀😀 please comment I love ⚡️

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