He's Gone Mad

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I opened my eyes to nothing next to me. I moved my hand through were Alexander should have been, but there was nothing there. I started to sit up until my leg and ribs started to hurt again. I slowly sat up and pushed the coffin lid open. When I got out there was no one in site, I hobbled down the stair and into the kitchen where I found Jameson cooking.

"Hello Jameson have you seen Alexander?" I asked him

"Hello Ms. Raven, Alexander said he had to go do something, he will be back soon enough" Jameson walked back into the kitchen.

I walked to the Living room and sat down. I turned on the TV and came on Dark Shadows. A huge smile came over my face. When it went to a commercial I decided to go and get changed. I got out a white tank top with a black skull in the middle and a pair of black cut pants. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch and tried to finish my movie. After about 30 minutes before the movie was done I fell asleep waiting for Alexander to arrive but he never did.

"Ms. Raven would you like a drink before Alexander gets here?" Jameson asked me as I rubbed my eyes.

"Yes I would love one, maybe it will keep me awake too" I said as Jameson walked away. When Jameson came back with my drink he looked like he was in a hurry.

"Jameson did Alexander tell you when he would be back?" I was starting to get worried.

"No I'm sorry Ms. Raven he didn't say anything to me, just that he was going to be back before dinner was ready" I took a sip of my drink and laid back down on the sofa and watched the rest of my movie. I was growing anxious and worried.

"Jameson I'm going to go look for Alexander, it's been a long time since I woke up and he still isn't here, I don't know if we'll be back in time for dinner but hopefully we are" I grabbed my phone and a sweater and headed out the door. I didn't know were Alexander could have gone. The cemetery, the Crypt, somewhere we had a date, I couldn't think of a place Alexander could have been. I decided to try the cemetery and if he wasn't there I would go to the Crypt.

As I was on my way to the cemetery I saw something that made me a little relived. Alexander's Mercedes. I tried to run to the gate but my leg started to hurt.

"Great, if I can't even walk how am I going to climb over this gate?" Then I got an idea, I said the words and was flying, but since I was 2 times as small the pain hurt 2 times as much. I turned back to myself and almost screamed but held it in incase Old man Jim was anywhere close. I started to walk to Alexander's grandmother's monument until I saw a little flash of light out the corner of my eye, it looked like a flashlight. I ducked down behind a tree, I could see a man and a dog, it was old man Jim and his dog. I kept down until I couldn't hear or see Jim and his dog anymore. I stood up and crept behind trees while I was walking so if Jim came back he would see me. I stated for the monument again and saw a dark figure kneeling down. I walked over to him and he must have heard me because he turned to me.

"Alexander what is the matter, you only come here when something is wrong?" I said kneeling next to him.

"Nothing is wrong, I just don't know what to do about Trevor, and you can't keep taking over when he is near us, you could have died yesterday if you didn't have the drink, I was really worried" Alexander said looking back at his grandmother's monument.

"I take over because he is my problem, Trevor shouldn't be your problem ever!" I grabbed Alexander's hands and brought them to my chest "Trevor is my bully not yours"

"Raven we are together for all of eternity, he is our bully now" Alexander rose from the ground.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you" Alexander said taking my hand and lifting me off the ground.

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