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I step into the lunch room, quickly walking to my table and plopping down on the backless chair. I see Evelyn approach with a smirk and a devious look in her eyes. I roll my own and prepare for the meaningless gossip that will be disclosed to me any second now.

"Diana! Guess what I just found out from Luke, himself!" She whisper-screams and looks at me with excited eyes.

"What did you find out from him?" I inquire, already annoyed from hearing his name. Luke is the school nobody that everyone seems to like. He is "insanely hot" or so everyone says, and I guess I can somewhat agree, but he is not my type. Evelyn is good friends with him, like she is with everyone, and she has told me how he supposedly gets drunk and high every other day. He's the kind of guy that is ruined by his personality and his choices. I've spoken at most two words to him, but I've heard more than enough rumors to stay away.

"He is going to work at the Ridgeview point this summer! You know that place with the indoor and outdoor pool."

"Of course I know what that is, I'm planning on working there this summer because I turned 16, remember? Why does he want to work there? I thought he hated the place because of the loud workout equipment.." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry, and I guess he changed his mind. Anyway I'm going to the library, wanna come?" I am beyond angry that he chose to work there, I don't want spend my summer sitting next to him behind the front desk having to talk to him multiple times a day.

"No, thanks I'll see you in chemistry." I call as she walks away. I grab my bag and go to the courtyard to think about what I'm going to do with my summer because it has been sabotaged by Luke Hemmings.


The cool spring air hits me as I walk out of the school and to the sophomore lot. I thought a lot about what Evelyn told me at lunch and I have decided to work at the Ridge anyway, because I am not going to let some stupid guy change my plans, and what have I got to lose?

I know most of my fanfics are started and then sit unfinished or are deleted, but I feel like this one is one I can really  see going somewhere.
- and if you do I would really appreciate if you would like and comment on it so that I keep writing it with confidence that people want to keep reading!
Thanks again,
---Sarah Grace

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