Pride and Prejudice

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Title: Pride and Prejudice

Author: JaneAusten

Review: 50/50

Rated: PG

Reads: 4m

Votes: 45k


The story follows the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.

A/N: so um yes I am totally recommending a book written long before this century to you guys because it's freaking awesome. Plus since it's on wattpad it technically fits into the qualifications for this recommendation book so HA. If you call yourself a reader (which I'm assuming you all do??) and you haven't read this book then you're seriously missing out. Mr. Collins is my literal spirit animal and I LIVE for Lady Catherine de Bourgh's attitude (plus her argument with Elizabeth near the very end of the book may be my favorite passage written EVER). Even if it's not something you're usually into, give it ten chapters or so. I swear you'll love it.

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