wrong turn

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Chapter one

Step, breath.

Step, breath.


"Phew," I breathed out while I put the palms of my hands on my knees. I pulled out my right headphone and tapped the screen of my phone. "Are you serious, only two miles?!?." I yelled throwing myself on the bench behind me. After my little tantrum I got up and started jogging back to my parents house putting my headphones back in my ear the song stressed out by twenty one pilots came on.

When I turned the corner on my block I seen the scariest scene taking place in front of me. A tall muscular guy was holding a boy that looked like he was thirteen by the collar of his shirt with one hand and the other in a fist about to punch the boy.

"I-Im sorry sir, I promise I will never bully you're little bro-" the little kid was cut off by a punch to his jaw. Still standing there like an idiot I finally got the guts to yell "STOP!" The man looked over at me and he had huge muscles his eyes were the color of the night he had dirty blonde hair. His jaw line was perfect and he looked around my age sixteen or seventeen. The little boy has blood running from his nose and the man looked back at the little boy and punched him again.

Okay come on Taylor now is you're chance to show off you're boxing moves. Come on Tay you can do it. My self conscious chanted.

I saw the man punch the boy square in the face and dropped him. He hovered on top of the boy and stated to punch his stomach. My self conscious still chanting me I ran over to the scene and kicked the man right in his stomach. He fell to the side but quickly recovered and got back up. I picked up the boy and put him on the fluffy green grass then I walked back up to the man. His veins were popping out of his arms his neck and one on his forehead. I stood if front of him jumping on the balls of my feet and my hands in fists ready to fight.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR??!!" The man yelled in a cold voice.
I looked at him cold in the eye not showing any emotions and punched him right in the stomach. He flinched at the movement then crossed his arms over his chest. I could tell he was trying to stay calm because he had his hand clenched in fists so hard his knuckles were turning white.
He stepped closer but not towards me towards the boy but I stepped right in front of him.

"Listen lady this is none of you're business so f!ck off."
He said through clenched teeth. I turned toward the boy and picked him up over my shoulder and walked off.
"T-thanks." The boy said in a small voice I nodded.
I heard heavy footsteps behind me so I stopped so did the steps. I felt someone trying to pull the boy but I turned around and looked at the man in the eyes saying.....

"You told me to f!ck off, so that is exactly what I am doing." I yelled turning around once again and started walking towards no where.

"Give him back!" The man yelled without turning around I flipped him off.

Dammit Taylor this is why you never go running when you just moved into a new neighborhood you dumb ass I can't believe you forgot you're address. I thought still not remembering my address.

"Hey, kid?" I asked.

"Y-Yea," He replied.

"Where do you live?" I asked

"My address is 10063." He responded

I nodded looking for the address...........five exhausting minutes later I found his address. I walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell.

"Damn this is gonna look sketchy." I said under my breath.

I looked up when the door opened and I met the most green eyes ever. He had blinded hair and he was definitely taller and Looked stronger then the other dude I just saw no doubt about it. Yet again he looked like probably like seventeen. I seen his eyes darkening and his jaw clenched the I liked down and is hands were in fists and when I met his gaze he was looking down at me like I was someone he could easily murder.

Without thinking I took the kid off my shoulder and said
"Your welcome for saving his sorry ass. Without me he would have been as good as dead." I told the older man that was looking down at me. Damn what's with these guys there like sky scrapers.

"His name is Dylan and he is fourteen and he could have defended himself!" Dylan said pushing out of his brothers or I'm assuming brothers grip.

"HAHAHAHA, OH MY GOD YOU'RE HILARIOUS." I laughed uncontrollably falling onto the ground and holding my tummy.

"Ahem." The older mad coughed looking down at ne. I quickly got to my feet and sighed. "Where are you're parents?" I asked, "so I could tell them what happened." The older guy pushed Dylan back inside and he stepped in side before the door slammed in my face I heard Dylan yell "KAYDEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT? RUDE ASS." I chuckled and then I remembered I forgot my address. I opened up my notepad app and looked for my address because I wrote it down in case of something like this happened.

When I found the page it said


I looked directly across the driveway and I seen my house address.
dammit I live right across from a scary ass man, that looks like an ax murder God how do you always end up in these situations Tay?



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