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April 15, 2022

I sat out side in the rain. My mind was telling me I had to go, but my body wasn't willing. I pull the hood of my sweatshirt over my head. Sometimes I wish the world wasn't so cruel. I stand up in the pouring rain. Thunder. Lightning. I walk along the sidewalk. Hoping. Hoping I could someday forget. Forget what had happened.

People pass. My mind still buzzing with all these thoughts. He was my best friend. Why does life always have to be so cruel? He was the one that kept my heart beating. He was the one I loved.



No. I can't keep living like this.

Rain poured down on my face. I tried to keep a straight face so people didn't know I was crying.


March, 10, 2022

I lay on the couch. Waiting for josh to return home. I pick up my phone and dial his number.
"Tyler?" He answers. "Hurry up dude! You are taking forever!" I complain.
"Tyler, I am driving right now! I don't have time for this!"
"Fine!" I pout and hang up.

About an hour later my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number so I didn't answer. I continued to watch the TV. My phone started to ring again. Josh still wasn't home. What if something happened? What if he is calling from a payphone? The next time it rang I picked up the phone. "Hello, is this Tyler Joseph?" The man on the phone asked. "Uh.. Yeah!" I said. "Well... Uh... I kinda ran into this guy, josh dun, and uh... I-i... H-he is unconscious right now and ... Uh... Well... The nurses who took him in the ambulance told me to call one of his contacts on his phone and.... Uh.... Well.... I am riding in the ambulance next to him now and I am calling you using my phone because... Well, his is almost dead and I thought I would be talking to you for a while and well... I am just so so so so so sorry it is entirely my fault. I wasn't paying attention to the road and... I .... I ... Am so so so so so so sorry!" He said. At this point I was freaking out. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down a bit. I was shaking so much. "Which hospital is he going to?" I asked. "St. Marks" he said. I could tell he was really torn up about this. "Okay thank you for calling me."


This can't be happening....


Once in the waiting room, I sit down in a chair and look around at the room. There was a television playing the 25th episode of supernatural and a coffee table with some magazines and to my left there was a door that had a sign bolted on it. In big bright blocky letters it spelled out 'kids zone' a short woman wearing all blue scrubs walked up to me.
"Are you Tyler Joseph?" She asked.
I looked at her. She looked fairly nice, she had long blonde hair and bright green eyes.
"T-that would be me." I said.
I felt like I was dying. Life is just cruel. "Okay. Please follow me to Mr. Dun's room."
We walked down the hall until we came to his room. My heart started beating.
Thud thud

Thud thud

Thud thud

He was in a coma. His chest was bloody, his arm was ripped open, and he had a deep cut from his collarbone to his forehead. His heart was beating fairly slow.
I sit back on a chair listening to panic at the disco.
Just sit back sit back, just sit back and relax, just sit back sit back, sit back and relapse again.
Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid.
Sit back relax, sit back relapse again.
Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid.
Soon enough a nurse came in and asked me to leave. It was about one in the morning then.
"I won't leave." I said folding my arms like a pouty child.
"Sir, you have to. You can wait in the waiting room if you would like." She said sweetly.
"He is my boyfriend!" Oops... I meant friend...
"Well, sir, your 'boyfriend' is about to have surgery and I don't think you want to be in here while that is happening."
"You will have to pry me from this chair. I am not leaving." I said grabbing onto the chair.
She leaned out the door. "Go get Sahara." She said. She glared at me from the door way. Suddenly she stepped aside as a big black lady walked in. "Move or I will make you!" She said in a deep voice. I was honestly kind of scared of her. "No." I grunted. "Okay, you made your choice." She said. She grabbed my legs. I couldn't hold onto the chair. She tossed me over her shoulder and carried me to the waiting room screaming and shouting. I sat there for hours going through my entire playlist of music.
Mr. Brightside
This is gospel
I don't love you
Famous last words
The end.
The sharpest lives
Dance, dance
Sugar we're going down
20 dollar nose bleed
Bulletproof heart
House of wolves
Nine in the afternoon
I write sins not tragedies
Miss Jackson
Collar full
Far too young to die
Alone together
Somebody told me

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