Chapter 4

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I rushed out of the room with Dani closely behind me. When we walked out we gasped.

Shaun had fallen into the wall or been thrown into the wall and now the only remains were a large hole.

"What happened??" I asked. Shaun stumpled over dusting of his backside.

"Jumpnow pushed me!!" cried Shaun giving Jumpnow the finger.

"It wasn't my fault!! Your the one who's fat ass went through the wall!!" Jumpnow explained with as much anger as Shaun.

"How the hell are we gonna pay for this??" asked Bradie, he seemed to be the only one seriously thinking about the situation.

The whole time Dani and I stood frozen, trying not to get in their way.

"Its Shaun's fault" argued Jumpnow pushing Shaun in the chest and making him tobble and knock me into Bradie.

It felt like a dream when Bradie caught me and lifted me back up again. Shaun quickly apoligised and pushed Jumpnow into the blonde girl who Shaun had invitied back to the hotel, I found out her name was Taylah.

Taylah fell back onto the tiles and I ran to help her up, but she rudely pushed me away and got up herself.

Shaun and Jumpnow had soon broken into a massive argument, where pushing and shoving was involved, not to mention mountains of swear words flushed from their mouths.

"Hey guys stop it!! First of all there are other people next door who proberply are trying to sleep and secondly we have guests" inturupted Bradie knodding in our direction.

"Sorry" the two Shaun's mumbled in usion and walked out into the kitchen. Taylah skipped out to join Shaun while Dani headed of towards her shared room.

I inspected the wall. The plaster had gone through and you could see only the tiniest of brick.

I gave Bradie a half heartedly smile, unsure what to do.

"I'll have to go down tomorrow to talk to the manager, since this lot will proberply have a hangover" Bradie signed and we walked into the kitchen to see the others.

Shortly Dani appeared at the doorway.

"Uhh guys I think I need some help??" she asked and we quietly followed her into the room.

Andy was sprawled out on the centre of the double bed, and didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon.

Dani was still wearing her dress, but Shaun emptied out Andy's suitcase to find a long black shirt that looked a bit

like a night gown for Dani to wear.

Jimmy and Shaun grabbed hold of Andy's arms and legs and tried to drag him to the side of the bed.

Andy groned and rolled over and woke.

"Go away I'm sleeping!!" he grumbled placing his hands over his eyes.

"Move over lump, Dani needs room to sleep too!!" Bradie spoke removing his step-brothers hands from his eyes. Andy's eyes lit up when he saw Dani and he quickly moved over to make room for her.

"Good night" I called out to Dani teasingly and she poked her tounge out at me.

I was so lucky to have a best friend like Dani. We had been best friends since grade three, and had both been loners so we hung out with eachother and almost 10 years later we were best friends. She had helped

me with so much esspecially when I needed her most when I was going through depression.

Short stack helped me through it too, but the song that means the most to me is 17. When I had just turned 17 I tried to end my life, but hearing those words seemed to change me forever.

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