No Hope & Lifelong Troubles

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Notes: In this story, the diary users do not have their future diaries. They simply just have diaries. This story takes place in the 3rd world. I might add other anime characters in this story.....either way please enjoy ^w^....

Prologue: I ran, my heart beating faster and faster as I got farther. My knees began to cramp up. I ran faster, trying to escape the pain. I then didn't know that you couldn't escape pain or stop true pain. As I ran, I looked at the blood on my hands. The blood dripped from my right hand. I ran for miles, in the middle of nowhere, it seemed like.

Uryuu Minene - The Escape Diary

My diary could help me with a lotta things, but escaping my past wasn't one of them. No better trap than your sick, sadistic, & twisted mind. I never liked the idea of dealing with your problems with what made the problem in the first place. So when my husband wanted me to go to therapy and group sessions, I wasn't too fuckin happy.

The next day I tried to fake a smile, but couldn't. I put my hair in a ponytail and wore a red collared shirt and khakis. I also wore red lipstick, I thought it looked awful immediately after putting it on, but I had no time to waste. After I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror, I decided I looked decent enough to be seen by the public eye.


I walked into this place called 'More Hope & Less Troubles' I laughed. More like no hope and lifelong trouble. I was a lost cause and I knew it. When I went in the building, a cold chill went down my arms and neck. I saw no one.

It was very dark and I got the feeling I was being watched. I saw a light flicker down a long dark hallway in front of me. I decided to walk down the hallway and see if I could find the group session room. "Hello, anyone there?" I saw the light flicker again. I swear I saw a bat flying around.

"Anyone know where the group session room is?" I heard footsteps behind me. "Ma'am, are you lost?" A woman tapped my shoulder."Ummm, yeah. Happen to know where the group session room is?"

I felt colder than I did before the woman showed up. She was wearing a white hospital uniform. She has brown curly hair and thick glasses. "Yes, let me show you." The woman grabbed my hand and took me farther into the dark hallway. There was an open door. "Go on, don't be shy." She gave me a light shove.

I walked in and sat down in a chair. I felt alone and nervous. A tall man walked in the room with a smile on his face. "Why hello there, aren't you guys the lovely bunch?" The man had a Polish accent. He looked at the circle of chairs that were filled with people. Instantly I got a weird vibe from the guy, he just seemed suspicious and very off key to me.

There was a girl beside me with light purple hair. She had a disgusted look on her face. "Now, you guys will be seeing each other all the time! Get to know each other." I didn't think group sessions worked like this, but this was my first one so I didn't ask questions. "Hey, is it your first time here?" I asked the girl beside me. "Yeah, my friend wanted me to come."

I looked around the room. There were cracks in the ceiling and the floor was dirty. "My husband thinks this shit will help me. I don't really see how." The girl smiled. "I don't really see either. I hate this place already." I laughed.

"What's your name?" I asked her. I didn't know what else to really talk about with her. "Mao Nonosaka. What's yours?" She smiled and held out her hand. I shook her hand. "The name's Uryuu Minene."

There was a sudden bang from the back of the room. The guy from earlier was banging a ladle on a pot. "That's enough. Time for group chatting!" The people in the room looked at the guy, not really knowing what to do. The tall guy went and stood in the center of the lined up chairs. "My name is Henry Dabkowski and I would like to welcome you all to your new home!" Henry has yelled every sentence he's said so far. He pointed to Mao. "Ma'am, you go first."

"Please introduce yourself and why you're here." Henry sat on the floor. "My name is Mao. I'm here because my friend believes I need to come here and talk about my problems." Henry gave Mao an evil glare. "Nonsense, I'm sure that's not the only reason." Then he gave a fake smile.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Mao stood up. "Sit down, young lady. You will not raise your voice at me!" Mao rolled her eyes. Suddenly the woman who took me to this room came in and started talking to Mr. Dabkowski.

A guy grabbed a pocket knife and went up behind Mr. Dabkowski and stabbed him in the back. "That's what you get! I ain't comin back here again." Henry manages to scream "Belinda, put this place on lockdown, NOW!" Before collapsing and loosing consciousness. Belinda went into the room's closet and I saw some type of control room. I was a bit shocked, but snapped back into reality when I seen her press a red button.

As soon as she pressed the button, black metal bars appeared on the front and back of doors and windows, Everyone screamed and ran out the open space where a door should've been.
They were all going different directions. I lost Mao in all the chaos, I didn't know anyone else. A girl with pink hair fell down and started to cry.
"Y-yuki." She had a scrape across her left cheek.

I held out my hand. "Need some help?" She takes my hand and hugs me. "Thank you so much." I didn't know what to say to her. "Are you okay?" I respond. "Yeah, I'm totally fine, the scrape is nothing."She smiles and wipes the blood off of her face. "Then why were you crying?"

She turns around and glances behind me. "That guy.....h-h-he took m-m-" The teary eyed girl was cut off by a dark haired blue eyed boy kissing her lips. "It's gonna be alright, Yuno. I promise!" He squeezed Yuno tightly, making her smile.

"Who the hell is this guy?" I asked in confusion. The boy let go of the now smiling pink haired girl. "This is my boyfriend, soon to be husband." Yuno raised her voice a bit. Trying to make it clear that the boy was hers.

"Chill, I'm married." I smile lightly. "Good to hear! By the way, I'm Yuno Gasai." We exchange greetings. "We don't have time to chat, ladies. Let's get the fuck out of here!" A male voice chimes in behind Yuno.

I see a grayish white haired boy with piercing redish pink eyes. "Why should we listen to you? Yuno growled. "Look, do you want to get out of here or not?" He mutters. Yuno doesn't respond.

She sees that her beloved is a little startled. "Yuki, what's wrong?!?" She shouts. I mouth the words "be quiet, I hear Henry." Henry appeared from the shadows and began laughing maniacally. "You little dipshits are stuck here!"

Most of the crowd ran while others stayed, frozen in fear. However, my little 'posse' was neither running nor full of fear. We stood our ground. Now that I look back on it, that was our biggest mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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