What now

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Kinda a dark cover right? Well it's not a dark story but it is not a happy story. It all started in sixth grade when this beautiful girl liked me. When I found this out I found her number wich turns out to be her best freinds number. I asked her out you may say it's sixth grade how could you date someone. Well hush it's the beginning and I was in sixth grade. Any way we didn't really talk and it ended one day which I was fine with. We went on and off and then seventh grade roles around and we start to date again. We took it serious is what I guess you could say. We always talked and held hands during pE and I thought it was great I loved her and she loved me. Now valintines day roles around and I give her the said chocolate/necklace/stuffted animal combo and I thought it was great. The next day tho was a day I would never forget...She broke my heart I was devistated, and the way she broke up with me killed me. She had one of her freinds text me and I was so mad. We got in a fight which ruined our friendship to. I felt lonley. 8th grade comes and I'm still lonely I feel worthless cause their were also other things going on in my life. I went to one basketball game and watched my ex play ball And I still thought she was cute and that we still talked. But that wasn't the case. I would even be walking down the halls and see her. I would stop in my tracks smile and then move on. After a while I still felt lonely and I just forgot about her. Then one day I'm talking to my best freind India Holden and I look inside her class. I see this beautiful girl and thought that we would date. I would talk to her sometimes but I was so nervous. I ended up getting her instagram and texted her. The next day came and I hear that she thought it was funny that I texted her. I broke I felt lonely again and it hurt... But I still liked her and through this I've been talking with an old freind and I ended up likeing her to but she was taken. She had problems with him tho and I thought I was gonna get lucky and end up with her but she is still with him. I go back and forth between the 2 girls and I like them both... But I still feel that lonleyness. I find another girl in my life and she single (about now I kinda sound like a man whore) but the problem was she didn't like me but we always talked about how both of us need someone. Now I go through and think about which girl I want to be with but neither of them work out. So I ask myself what now...

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