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  The girl shook, tears coming out of  her eyes.  Why was he acting like this now, of all times?  It's not like he didn't know or understand her situation.  If anything, he understood the most, but that's what hurt the most.

  "I asked you a question!" His voice raised slightly, but not so loud as to let anyone outside of the house hear.

 That was what he was most cautious about.  No, he was not cautious about being careful with her. He was not cautious when he hit her, kicked her, yelled at her.  It's not like it wasn't her fault though.  If she didn't have some a big stomach, such thunder thighs, he wouldn't be so mean.

  "I- I ate a piece of cake," She admitted, ashamed at how weak she was.

  "When?" He demanded, pulling her head up roughly.

  "Before I came over," she whispered. "Please, don't make me-"

 He picked her up off the ground and marched them over to a place she hated going.  It held so many bad memories.  Being thrown down in front of the toilet, the girl began to cry. "Don't make me do this."

  "You brought this upon yourself!" He yelled, and pushed her head over the toilet, but she refused to make herself throw up.  The last two days had already been filled with that, for they had spent the weekend together, other than earlier that day, when one of her friends had a birthday party, even though they were seventeen.  Her parents had foolishly trusted him.

  When he realized she wasn't going to do it, he dropped down and stuck his own fingers down her throat.   tried to wriggle away, but he held me in place, and, on cue, she began to gag.  Finally, the food came back up, and the girl threw up into the toilet.  She gulped in air before he stuck his finger down her throat once more. 

  "You shouldn't have eaten, you fat whore," he told me. "If only you had listened to me."

  It was true, she knew he didn't want her to eat, but she had to go and completely disobey him.  All he wanted  was the best for her, for her to be skinny, but she was weak.  So weak that she couldn't even go a day without eating, and a piece of cake at that.

  Disgusted with herself, she stuck her own fingers down her throat this time, and the boy said, "See, there's a good girl."

  A surge of pride shot through her, she had pleased him.  Once all that came out was bile, she leaned back against the wall, completely drained.  Weak and shaking, she tried to stand up, but couldn't without his help.

  "Here," he thrusted a cup of water into her hand, and she swished the water around, then spat it into the toilet, flushing it.  Then, she drank the rest of the water, and then set the cup down on the counter.

  "See,' he started, "don't you feel much better now?"

  Nodding, she wiped her mouth.

  "What are you?" He asked, and she sighed, knowing what she was supposed to say.

  "I'm fat."

  "And what will you become?" 


  "And how will you do it?"

  "By not eating, except fruits and celery, and purging every time I eat something else." These were the correct responses, so he would not hit her.  

  "What will you earn by becoming skinny?" He questioned.

  "Your love," she replied.  This was all for him, so she could become perfect for him.  

  "Good answer," he praised, "Now, would you like to watch a movie?"

  After nodding, he led her into his living room, and they snuggled on the couch after choosing a movie.  She wasn't too into the movie though, because she couldn't stop thinking about how hungry she was.  Most girls had tea or lots of water to help with the hunger, but he told her that she wouldn't always be able to rely on that, and so she wasn't allowed tea nor much water.  

  Not too far into the movie, he placed his hand on her bare thigh.  She was wearing a mini skirt with a tank top and a jean jacket, while her long black hair rippled down in curls down her back.  When he began trailing his hand up her thigh, she began to get nervous.

  Without saying anything, she pushed his hand closer to her knee, staring at the movie screen.  For awhile, he kept it there, and soon she relaxed again into him.  It was late, and she started to get sleepy.  Closing her eyes, she drifted into sleep.

  Eyes snapping open, she found that his hand was underneath her miniskirt, and she panicked. "Please, no."

  "C'mon, I'm a teenage boy, I have needs," he urged, sliding his hand farther.

  "You know I've never done this before," she whispered. 

  "Let me teach you," he begged.

  "I don't want to," was her reply.  It turned out to be the wrong one.

  "Am I not good enough for you?" He started to raise his voice.

  "You are," scared, she replied quickly, hoping for him to cool back down.

  "Then why won't you even let me get to third base?" He asked.

  "I'm not ready," she whispered, looking into his eyes, pleading silently for him not to push it.

  "Why the hell aren't you?" He demanded, "We've been together long enough."

  It was true, they had been together for over a year already, but he only started pressuring her five months ago.  That was when his mom had died, so she just shrugged it off as grief.  Finally, she said, "I don't know."

  "Then why won't you at least pleasure me, even if it's not sex?" She was about to protest, but he went on, "It doesn't even have to be a blow job, it can just be a hand job."

  Biting her lip nervously, she didn't know how to say no, it seemed reasonable enough, she just didn't want to.  She couldn't tell him that though, he would freak out.  Not knowing what she was going to say, she opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by his lips capturing hers.

  He started off kissing her passionately, then lustfully.  Caught up in the moment, she responded eagerly, making him moan.  Hearing the moan caused her to shiver, for she didn't know she had that control over someone.  Suddenly, she wanted to hear more moans from him.  Nibbling on his lip, she got him to open his mouth for her, and their tongues fought for dominance over the kiss.

  Over the months, she had found out he liked a challenge, so she fought viciously, then actually won dominance over his tongue.  Exploring his mouth, she made him moan again, but then they had to pull back to take a breath.

  "I love you," he gasped.

  "I love you too," she responded, then gasped when he began sucking on her neck.  Arching into him, she fluttered her eyelids at the feeling.  Then, she heard the unbuckling of pants, and froze.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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