{ two }

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loss takes as much as love does, sometimes more. ❞ - the realm of possibility, david levithan 


he can't seem to remember a time before her. it was only two years, he tells himself.

his mind is filled with thoughts of her, memories of her, anything that has to do with her, and because of that, his heart is still clenching uncontrollably. he winces. only two years, he repeats.

he can see clearly the day that they met, but he can't even begin to think of the week before. he can still feel their first kiss, but no other kisses before her. the gasp that left her mouth when she saw the lit and glowing lanterns that he had prepared for their first year anniversary rings in his ears.

he begins to smile, but then the aching of his dull, heavy heart reminds him why he shouldn't.


she can think too clearly of the years before him, before them.

she remembers the minty taste of peter cooke's lips giving her her first kiss only three days before she met him. she remembers her carefree, 'go with the flow' attitude she had before she met him. she remembers the way her and her mother would hardly ever talk before she met him. 

but then she met him,

and she forgot how peter cooke's lips tasted, only remembering the taste of his lips. she threw away that way of living and started to care and really think. she looked past her mother's mistakes, and her mother looked past her daughter's mistakes, and now she can most definitely label her mother as her best friend.

she remembers her life before him, and her eyes droop even more as she realizes how much better it was with him in it.


a/n: dedicated to captivator because um, have you read 'everlasting' yet?

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