I Just Keep Losing (chapter 4)

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Runes POV

I feel so dazed. I open my eyes slightly to see nothing but old bricks and a steel cell door. 'Huh where am I what happened...' I try to move then realize I can't because my feet are hardly touching the ground. I look up to see my wrists chained above me bleeding from how tight the cuffs are, the blood running down my arms and dripping on to the floor as I open my eyes more I hear a woman's voice. "Well well well the little brats awake finally. I was getting bored out of my mind waiting for you to wake up so I could play!" She says as she walks in front of the cell door and opens it looking my body over. My clothes have been torn and I'm hardly wearing anything. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I yell trying to lung for her. "Why child aren't you still feisty after all the drugs we put in your body." She chuckles at me and turn smirks at the blood. "Has the little brat lost to much blood?" I shake my head no glaring at her trying to wiggle my wrists out of the cuffs. "Trying to get away is useless" she walks over pulling me up to eye level with her by my chin. I just shriek in pain. "You smell of Raven so I'm not gonna let you leave till little Raven comes to find you." She chuckles and I look at her "raven won't come for me. No one will so you better off killing me." she stops laughing and throws my head out of her hand and kicks me in the gut making me cough up some blood. "Brat! Maybe I will kill you. You have a mouth on you" she stands all sassy like "didn't your parents ever teach you manners on how to talk to your elders!" I simply swing my body forward and spit blood on her then grin with blood on my lips and teeth. "You little bitch! I will kill you!" She lunges for me and with her magic of swords scratches my left eye straight down the middle. I scream in pain and a big man grabs her. "We need her alive! So don't let her piss you off!" she just growls and then storms away and the man leaves with her.

A voice from the walls of the cell "Rune... Rune... Rune..." I look around and spin scared hearing my name be mumbles. "You gotta be kidding this place is haunted!" Suddenly my handcuffs break and I fall to the ground and a glowing orb is in front of me. "What the heck?" I try and touch it and it moves away. "Don't touch it or it will break! Rune it's zoro. I'm using my magic. Get out of there now!" I blink confused as to how he's doing it and then hear footsteps. "The bitch is out of her cuffs!" I think 'well shit!' I pop the orb and take a deep breath 'the shadows I have no choice.' I turn into a shadow and vanish into the shadow realm.

As I walk my breath becomes quicker and the darkness on my arms eat away at any white part of my skin. 'I need to get out of here now' I keep walking towards a part of light. As I inch closer to it the light gets brighter. I walk thru it to be standing in front of Raven. Holding my left eye I look up at her. 'Oh shit...' Raven doesn't have a happy expression and she has a dark death Ara around her "Rune!..."


Annie is a tease I know. I can't change the way she sent me the chapters only can edit them to make them not have mistakes XD omg is there so many of them. Before she normally posts it but anyways here's chapter 4. I'm taking a break from roleplaying so I should be editing more of hers and posting some of my own so there should be a lot more up to read thanks guys peace out ~Helen

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