Haruhi? No, She's a Girl. What are you? Stupid?

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Caeden's POV

There was a big turn out for the first day. Everyone, including Rae, had three boys to host. At the moment, I have Akio, Haruki, and Raiden. There are all 2nd years.

"How are you boys?" I ask them with a smile. They blush a bit, and Akio speaks up.

"I-I'm doing f-fine. How are y-you?" He  stutters. I giggle at him and Haruki's nose starts to bleed a little bit. I look over at him and sigh.

"Raiden-senpai? Could you ask Rae for a first aid kit?" I ask him sweetly. He nods so quickly, I thought he could've gotten whiplash. I chuckle and turn back to Haruki, studying his nose. He notices me staring and blushes. Raiden returns with the kit and I set it on the table. I gently lift my hand and turn his face towards me. He stares at me, blushing hardcore, as I press a cloth to his nose, and I feel a whole lot more blood hit the cloth. I chuckle and lift his hand to hold the cloth himself. 

"Please excuse me, I have to go wash my hands. Make yourself comfortable." I say and softly smile at them. They blush, and as I walk away, I hear Akio and Raiden yelling at Haruki because he got more attention. I chuckle and roll my eyes, walking into the bathroom and washing my hands with the lilac soap. I hear a bell ring in the distance, signaling the end of round with the current boys. I hurry out of the bathroom and say my goodbyes to the boys. They pout because of how little time they had with me, trying to get me to make an exception for them, but I shake my head and lightly push them out of the room. The whole room becomes silent because of the lack of excitement and chatter.

"I'd say that was a successful first day ladies. What do you think?" Annalise says breaking the silence. We all nod in agreement, but a knocking on the wooden door to my left startles me and makes me jump a little bit. I walk over to the door and open it. Lo and behold, there stands the host club in all of their "glory."

"Is the hostess club closed?" Tamaki-senpai asks.

"Yes, but why? Did you come to request someone?" Layla says as she comes up behind me. They nod.

"Please excuse us for a moment, but come in and make yourselves at home in the waiting area to your left." I say, dragging Layla while walking over to the meeting area.

"Okay! Okay! Let. Me. Go." She says. I shrug and let go. Everyone else arrives and we huddle/whisper.

"What do we have to lose? We can even charge them extra for coming in after closing." Rae says nonchalantly.

"Oh come on, I don't want to see their stupid, ugly, baboon-butt looking faces today. I just wanna go home." Katerina complains.

"Kat, that's not nice. We should at least give them a chance." Annalise hisses. Everyone turns to her in bewilderment. No one had ever heard her speak like that.

"WHAT?" She hisses again. Everyone quickly turn back to the look at anyone but her. After some disagreement, bribing, threatening, and rock-paper-scissors, we finally came to the conclusion that we would host them no matter who asks for who. We break up the up the huddle and walk over to them. They were
Discussing something to do with Haruhi wearing a dress and having long hair. They turn to look at us when they hear our shoes near them.

"Who's hostessing who?" I ask them in annoyance. They all point to someone, and it's impossible to tell who's pointing at who.

"Okay, just go sit with the hostess when they sit down. Cool? Cool." Melody says. We all walk to our designated areas and sit down. Haruhi sits in front of me as I fix tea and some of the fruit tart that Annalise made.

"Please, take some. They are fresh from this morning." I say politely. Haruhi isn't as bad as the rest of them.

"Thank you. And may I comment on how lovely this club room is?" She says as she looks around, as if to emphasize her point.

"Thank you. It took over 2 hours to just paint it. Well, I wouldn't know, I was out buying the furniture for it." I say dreamily. I hear her mutter something about 'us damn rich people?'

"If it's not out of line, may I ask why all of you are over here?" I say with a hint of curiosity. She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"I'm honestly so sorry, but they're here just to annoy you." She says, annoyance seeping into her tone. I roll my eyes.

"How childish. I'm surprised you went along with it Haruhi-san. You don't seem like the type to do that." I say looking at her funnily. She sighs.

"I know, but Kyoya-senpai said he'd raise my debt a thousand more yen. And I can't take more than the 5,000,000¥ that I have left to pay. And please, just call me Haruhi." She says with a smile. I smile back at her and then the bell chimes, meaning the end of the session. I stand up, as does Haruhi, and I walk her over to where all of the rest of the Host Club is.

"Well, wasn't this just super fun?" Annalise says, sarcasm seeping through her tone. All of the girls look at her weird. What is going on with her?

"Well. I had a nice time with Haruhi. She's not-" I start to say, but Tamaki runs over and covers my mouth.

"Haruhi isn't girl. He's a manly man." He says frantically. I look at Katerina and she nods. She comes over to me and throws Tamaki into a wall. (like Ranka did to him.)  

"Thanks. And Haruhi's? She's a girl. What are you? Stupid?" I ask him. He freezes and then practically flies into a corner. I send a questioning glance to Haruhi, but she shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"Right, so please leave now, we need to set up for tomorrow." Katerina says. They nod.

"Harsh." Hikaoru says. They leave and all of the girls go over to the meeting area.

"How did your session go?" I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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