Black sistas

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Beautiful Company this another poem I did
Make sure to listen to the YouTube video of me reciting it!

Black sista, I know you feel disrespected and neglected

Forgive my brothers because our mother's Gave us fathers with no direction

From lack of knowledge of our culture we see nothing past fast erections

And the disdain that we show you is manifestation ages ago manipulation

We don't see the beauty in full lips that surgeons earn wages making

We don't understand the aphrodisiac of chocolate that slave masters spent hours raping

We feel no warmth in the embrace of loving spirits and strong tempers

Because instead of role models it was liquor bottles that served as mentors

While the most beautiful of our women gave their virginity to drug dealers

And the intellectuals of our block traded textbooks for pistol keepers

Thefe 's no direct message in this poem my words are kinda scattered

But after three minutes I feel a bit glader

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