Behind those eyes

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This is a Merlin fan fic and it is called this because of everyone's eyes and how they can show how you are feeling. Like to know what you think.!!! Post in my wall :)

" I know you are scared Morgana no matter what you say I have known you for to long to not know what the look of fear is in your eyes." Arthur said as the knights and he surronded Morgana. "We will leave you alone as soon as you tell us what you have done with Merlin!" Arthur shouted.

"I will never tell you but I will say he is a great ornament for me" Morgana laughed as her eyes went yellow and everyone was flung backwards.

Moragana ran quick but Elyon and Arthur had managed to get up and follow her to a cave. They entered making sure Morgana didnt see them and when they did they saw Morgana standing over something and as Morgana moved they saw Merlin sitting down starring into space looking paralysed. Arthur felt angry and shocked, he couldn't believe this had happened. He went to stand up but Elyon pushed him down "Morgana will see you she over there getting something" he said. Arthur knelt back down and watched Morgana walk back over to Merlin and she started to enchant a spell and Merlin was getting more pale then he started screaming. Arthur realised Morgana was torturing him, Arthur and Elyon both got up and ran at Morgana. She smiled and her eyes went golden and Arthur and Elyon were flung backwards.

Arthur felt pain at the back of his head were he had hit a rock, he felt the back of his head to find blood on his fingers. Arthur cringed in pain but he new that he had to get Merlin. He could see fear in Merlins eyes.

Elyon looked at Arthur and then at Morgana who was busy looking at shelf I books and potions. "I'll go and get the others" Elyon said as he stood up and ran. Arthur lay back clinging his head in pain. Arthur watched as Morgana walked over to a shelf and picked up a small flask with green liquid in it . She enchanted a spell and the liquid began to bubble and she walked over to Merlin. "What are you going to do with that?" Arthur asked but regretted it. "This liquid without magic will burn the insides of one who drinks it but with magic this will make the person so much pain they will I completely insane and out of reality. But sadly because this is Emrys the most powerful warlock in the world, I will have to cast another enchantment but as you can see I have already done it to him" Morgana smirked.

"No Morgana you can't do this"! Arthur shouted as he stood up and ran at Morgana but Morgana just laughed and Arthur was flung backwards. Morgana held Merlin nose and poured the liquid in as she enchanted a spell. Once the flask was empty Morgana laughed but Arthur snuck up behind her and stabbed her with his sword. "Merlin will die" Morgana said before she disappeared into thin air. Arthur ran over to Merlin and the knights came into the cave, just as they did Merlin started sweating and screaming in pain. "Hold on Merlin" Arthur said as his knights came next to him. "What happened?" Lancelot asked. "It's a long story but I think Morgana has tortured him" Arthur replied "we have to get him to Gaius" Arthur added as he picked up the screaming Merlin who still seemed paralysed and not really with it. "Don't worry Merlin your safe now" Arthur said as he jumped into his horses back. "How long until we arrive in Camelot?" Arthur asked Leon. "If we rest tonight we should be there by midday tomorrow" Leon replied as they rode to Camelot.

It was getting dark and the wind was whipping around coursing a cool breeze and the sky looked like it was going to rain any second, so Arthur and his knights found a place under some trees were they should be covered by the rain. Everyone set up their beds and Arthur sat Merlin up against a log net to himself. Merlins eye were wide open but he wasn't looking at anyone and his face was scrunched up in pain. Arthur clicked his fingers in front of Merlins face to get his attention but it didn't work so he decided to stop.

That night Arthur kept having dreams and they kept on repeating what happened in the cave with Morgana and what she said.

The next day they arrived in Camelot mud afternoon and Arthur rushed Merlin into Gaius's chambers and laid him on the spare bed. Gaius rushed over to Merlin. "What happened?" He asked. "Morgana tortured him" Arthur replied. Gaius started crushing herbs and other things. "What's the matter Arthur?" Gaius asked.

"It's why Morgana said" Arthur replied

"What did she say?" Gaius asked

"She said that the potion with magic will drive someone insane and loose reality and she has given it to him twice and also she said Merlin will die" Arthur said.

Should I continue writing this story because I am not sure if I should.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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