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Harrys POV

I ran towards her & picked her up in my arms as she started kissing my neck. I walked into the bedroom & let her fall onto the bed. I took of my shirt mostly because it was uncomfortable, I then got on the bed & started kissing her. Our tongues explore eachothers mouths as I start to lower my hands to her bum. I felt her hands pass through my hair & her legs tighten around my waist. I start to kiss her neck & I take of the t shirt I let her borrow. She starts to play around with the hem of my boxer shorts which make me antsy so I let my hands go under her bra. I hear her moan so i start to unhook her bra. She pulls me down closer & i start to breathe heavily when i realize my crotch is over hers & the only thing between us is her underwear & my boxers. "I told you that we were going to finish what we started"

Trinitys POV

"I told you that we were going to finish what we started" he said with a smirk as he started kissing me from my neck all the way to my waist, I started giggling "So are you gonna be the good cop or bad cop?" I ask with a smirk. "Which ever one you want love" he says as he takes off my underwear. I pull his face back to mine & i just stare at him without saying anything at all "What?" he as chuckling a bit "Youre so beautiful.. Your eyes are gorgeous, your smile is cute, your hair is amazing, your dimples are adorable, your voice is the sweetest thing Ive ever seen... Harry Edward Styles you are completely beautiful." I said completely serious feeling our noses touch. For a while he looked at me in astonishment at what I just had said. His eyes soften & he kissed me softly & passionately. He broke the kiss & whispered, "I think Im falling in love with you Trinity Miller." "Prove it, make love to me" "Hmmm.. No problem. Just give me a sec" He walked up to the CD player & put in Paradise by Coldplay. He walked back to the bed & started humming along to the song. He started giving me little kisses around my neck & around my stomach as he would be singing a long to the song. Our song.

When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

So she ran away in her sleep

Dreamed of para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise

Every time she closed her eyes.

Harry stoped singing a long "Do you run away to paradise when you go to sleep?" he asked as he gave me more love bites. "I dont have to because you are my paradise" I say as I watch him get the condom. Harry started singing along again & I smiled to myself adoring his amazing voice.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly, every tear a waterfall

In the night the stormy night, she closed her eyes

In the night, the stormy night

Away she flied

He continued humming & held my hand & looked me directly in the eyes "Youre my dream Trinity" he then crashed his lips on mine as the song hit the chorus again. I felt his hand tighten as he entered me. I felt my hand tighten up too.

Still lying underneath the stormy skies

She said oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

I know the sun is set to rise

This could be para-para-paradise


Next Morning.

I wake up to find Harry asleep. I roll over & put my arm around him. He moans & Im guessing it means 'hello' I gave him a kiss on the cheek & whispered "Morning love" I get up looking at the clock. Crap its 6:30, my mom is gonna find Jessica!

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